Chapter 13

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I walked to my locker after gym class ended. Now that school ended, I have to go deal with my dad at home who is probably gonna be suspicious about where I've been all of yesterday. I opened my locker and grabbed my math text book that I needed for homework, which I was most likely not going to do.

"Isabella Evans, the girl who just can't keep her flat ass out of crime."

I turned my head to see some random blonde haired girl standing beside my locker with a grin on her face.

I raised my eyebrow. "Excuse me?" I chuckled.

She huffed. "Miss tough girl who thinks she can get away with anything because daddy has money." She tilted her head to the side.

I shut my locker harder than I intended to and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Right, delinquents like you don't really pay attention a lot do they?"

"You gotta problem with me, bitch?" I gritted my teeth, stepping closer to her.

She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and pursed her lips. "No, but we're going to have a problem if you keep trying to get into Andrew's pants like the slut you are."

I chuckled. "What do you think is going on between us?"

"For your sake, nothing I hope."

I smirked. "Don't keep your hopes up."

She clenched her jaw. "Just stay away from him unless you want your ass kicked."

"Your prissy ass is gonna kick mine? I'd like to see that." I laughed while beginning to walk away.

"You're right but I mean I could always just ask Tyson for a favour."

I felt my heart beat a little harder when she mentioned him. Of course, how could I forget this bitch. Tyson's step sister. "You're so screwed." I turned around.

"Oh hey Ty, I'm gonna head home. Bye Izzy." She blew a kiss my way. Tyson was now in my view, standing across the hallway.

I glared at her as she walked away while Tyson walked up to me.

"Hey cupcake, did you get home safely the other day?" Tyson smirked at me.

I shifted on my feet uncomfortably. "I did actually." I looked down at my feet trying to avoid his gaze.

I looked back up and saw his evil smirk spread across his stupid face.

"I have to go." I mumbled before walking away.

I walked faster and faster until I was finally getting closer to the entrance of the school. I needed to get away from Tyson, I hate being around him. At this point I was almost running until I bumped into a figure, causing me to fall on my ass. I looked up to my left to see Andrew standing there with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you." He offered me his hand. "Why were you running in the hallway?" He asked.

I took his offer, grabbing his hand and getting pulled back up on my feet. "That doesn't matter."

"You look scared." He said but I only ignored him.

I looked behind me and saw Tyson leaning against the lockers with his hands in the pockets of his black jeans and a devilish grin dancing on his face as he stared at me.

"Ok well I'm going home so-"

I turned back around to Andrew and grabbed onto his arm before he could turn around and leave. "Wait."

He looked down at me and licked his bottom lip.

Oh that was just such a tease.

"What?" He whispered.

I carefully peeked over my shoulder to see Tyson still standing against the lockers.

"Could you maybe walk me home?" I asked quietly.

"Sure." His cheeks tinted a shade of red.

I smiled. "Great let's go, hurry up." I said, pulling on his hand ushering him out the door.

"So who was the guy?"

I quickly looked at Andrew because the question caught me off guard.

"What guy?" I asked, hoping it won't be who I think it is.

"Back in the school, there was a guy staring at you, and you kept looking back at him."

I never really told anyone about Tyson. People only knew that we dated back when I went to a different high school here. It's such a coincidence that him and his step sister now go to this school. I don't plan on telling anyone about him unless I absolutely have to. He's just irrelevant and he doesn't deserve to be spoken of.

"I don't know." I lie. 

I looked down at the ground as we walked on the sidewalk. But I knew that his eyes were glued on me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

I looked up at him. His eyes stood out from the dark clothing he was wearing. His jawline got sharper every time he clenched it. He looked at me, making me avert my eyes from him.

"No, I swear. I don't know him." I lie again.

He nodded his head.

We continued walking for almost 10 minutes. I didn't realize it was raining until we got to my house. I looked up at the grey sky, rain dripping onto my face. We stopped walking when we got to my door step. 

"Thanks for walking me home." I said, turning around to him.

"Anytime." He said right before his phone started to ring.

He took it out of his pocket and sighed when he saw the screen. "I gotta go, see you at school."

I waved and he left. I went inside quietly, hoping that my dad doesn't hear me. I tip toed upstairs until I got into my bedroom and shut my door. I threw my bag on the ground and flopped onto my bed.

Is this going to be a regular thing now? Seeing Tyson? That's not why I came back here. I didn't come back here to re-live my past. Especially my past with him. But there's nothing I can really do. I mean I could always just skip school but then my dad would kill me.

Why is life so stressful?

And also, why is the blonde bitch so obsessed with Andrew? You know what. I'm not even gonna worry about it. I really need a drink. But having a hangover tomorrow isn't something that I really want. I laid on my bed for awhile just thinking about what my life is. But soon enough I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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