Chapter 7

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I'm gonna be honest, I'm not really someone who catches feelings. At least not anymore. I save myself by not falling for any guy. I mean, I don't wanna sound like a slut but having hook-ups are so much easier in my opinion.

And that's what he was, a hook up. Tyson O'Brien. But he was a mistake. I fell for him and got my heart broken when he cheated on me with his ex.

But anyways, there he was. Standing straight ahead of me was the heartless asshole, Tyson O'Brien. I wish actual daggers would come out of my eyes and stab him, everywhere. I stood there, forgetting all my surroundings and glared intensely, in front of me. And no, this isn't the same boyfriend I told Andrew about. That's a totally different story for another time. I don't really know why I told Andrew stuff about me. I'm not really a person who can trust someone, but he just seems trustworthy.

Sorry, I keep getting off topic.

While I stood there staring at Tyson, there were so many questions that I wanted answers to. Why is he here? Does he go to school here? Is he still going out with his ex again? Did he see me?

Did he just smirk at me..?

So many thoughts were racing through my mind, I needed to get out of here.

"You ok?" I heard Andrew say from beside me.

I turned to him and put a fake smile on my face. "Amazing." I said with sarcasm. "I gotta go, see you later." I said and walked away before I could hear his response.

I walked slowly in the direction Tyson was in. He was leaning against his Lamborghini while he flirted with two girls who were practically drooling over him. Gross. I looked down at the ground, walking fast, hoping he wouldn't notice me. Thankfully after a stressful couple of seconds, I walked past him without a glance. I continued to walk to what is now called "home", in the scorching hot. It wasn't until a couple of minutes after walking past my school when I felt an arm go over my shoulders.

I turned my head to look into Tyson's beautiful dark green eyes. He had a smirk on his face that I use to like. "What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped as I removed his arm.

His smirk grew. "What does it look like? I'm just trying to hang with an old friend of mine."

My eyebrows knitted together. "Well I hate to break it to you but we're not friends, so get the fuck away from me." I practically yelled.

He chuckled as his devilish smirk only grew bigger on his face. "No need to yell cupcake."

Cupcake. He use to call me that when we dated.

"Don't call me that."

"I'll call you whatever I want cupcake."

I knew I wasn't gonna win the argument so I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, only to be pulled back again. "Don't touch me." I swatted his hand away.

"Aw, are you getting tough on me? Come on, we both know you miss me." He moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I said don't touch me. And no I don't miss you at all you fucking asshole." I spat.

"You still mad at me for cheating? Come on, she was a mistake and we can start all over." He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in towards my neck.

All the memories came flooding back into my head when he started to kiss my neck, all the times he's used sex as a way to make me forgive him for his mistakes. But it wouldn't happen this time. I kneed him right where the sun don't shine. He cupped his area with his hands and crouched down a bit.

"You bitch." He muttered.

I took this as a chance to get away from him and run home, so that's exactly what I did. I ran down the block and across the street. I ran until I ended up in an alleyway beside a dark brown old building. I stood there for a few minutes, catching my breath. All the sudden out of nowhere I was pinned up against the side of the building.

"Tyson let me fucking go!" I yelled as I tried to loosen his grip on my arms.

"Stop acting like you don't like it." He snarled.


Before I could cuss at him, he smashed his lips on mine. I instantly froze, my mind was yelling at me to push him away but my body wasn't letting me. A wave of emotions and memories washed over me. The memories of us laughing and watching movies together to the memories of him leaving my doorstep when I confronted him about him cheating on me. How he moved on in less then a week while I stayed up every night for weeks, crying over him.

That's when rage filled my body again and I tried pushing him away as hard as I could. "Get the hell away from me!" I yelled and squirmed under his hold.

"Don't you miss when I kiss you like that?" He smirked.

I kept on tying to push him off of me but I couldn't. He leaned his head in and started to kiss my jaw to my neck. "Stop." I panted tiredly from trying to get him to let go of me.

He continued to kiss my neck and keep his tight hold on my wrists until he let go of one, making me push against his chest with my free hand but it didn't do anything. I immediately felt my body tense up when I felt his cold hand travel down my waist and into my pants.

"Tyson I swear to-"

His hand made it down my panties and on my sex. I started to heat up and I felt a tear threatened to fall from my eye, but I didn't let it.

"Tyson stop." I stuttered as he touched me.

I felt like jelly in his grip, I couldn't move. I felt so small. "Please." I whispered.

But he didn't stop. I hoped that someone would see my struggle but no one did. My body had tensed up again as I let out a whimper, that's when I realized that he had started to assault me.

"Ty." I whispered. "Stop, please." I whispered as I gripped his shirt with my free hand so tightly that my knuckles started to turn white.

But instead of stopping, he only continued his assault. I bit my lip to hold back my tears. I banged my fist against his chest but he didn't even flinch. I felt weak and ashamed that I let him do this to me. But I tried to escape. He removed his hand from my pants, wiping his hand on the bottom of his shirt

"Your a disgusting person." I whimpered as he let go of my other wrist.

He smirked and leaned in towards my ear. "You know cupcake, you're not as strong as everyone, including yourself, thinks you are." He whispered.

He backed away from me and winked before he turned around and left the alley. I couldn't hold it back anymore, tears fell down my pale face as I slumped down to the floor, leaning against the old building. I felt disgusting with myself.

I stood up and pulled fixed myself up and walked out of the alley, pretending like nothing ever happened.

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