Chapter 9

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We walked down a pathway to a dark hidden place under a bridge that had a huge cement wall full of colourful art. I stopped to stare at it for a second until I heard Isabella drop the bag she was holding on the ground. She took out cans of what I'm guessing is spray paint and placed them on the ground.

"What?" Was all I could say.

"Pick whatever colour you want." She said as she picked a can up and walked towards the wall.

She began to spray different lines and mixed it with another colour. She paused and looked back at me. "What are you waiting for?"

"I'm not vandalizing!" I whispered-yelled.

She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. "Oh come on, no one will find out,"

I crossed my arms. "No." I said sternly.

"You need to loosen up a bit, have some fun." She picked up a different can and walked back over to the wall.

It can't hurt to draw something little would it?

I picked up a random spray can and walked over to the wall, beside Isabella. "Go drew Loosen up!" She cheered.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I don't even know what to draw." I said as I looked up at all the amazing pieces of art.

"Draw something that means something to you maybe?" She suggested.

I thought to myself for a minute until I finally got an idea.

"Wow that's pretty good for your first time Drew."

"What's with this new name Drew?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I made you a nickname, even though I only removed the two first letters of your name but whatever."

I walked over to see what she made. I took a step back and she wrote "no love" in big bold bubble letters with different colours. Well it was certainly better than the crown I drew.

"Wow that's amazing but why no love?" I asked as I looked at her art.

She shrugged. "I just thought of it and wrote it on my wall of depression." She chuckled.

I looked back at her. "Wait, you did all of these?" I motioned my hands to the wall.

She nodded and walked back to her bag to put all the spray cans away. I handed over the ones I was using and she placed them in the bag. Just as she was about to close her backpack, a flashlight flashed in our direction.

"Stay where you are!" A guy yelled.

"Oh shit." Isabella muttered.

"What-what?" I repeated anxiously.

She quickly zipped up her bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Hurry up, run!" She yelled.

We ran as fast as we could until we got up on the street. We stood there trying to catch our breath. "Who the hell was that?" I yelled.

"A cop you dumbass!" She yelled. 

"You two, get back here!"

"Fuck." I muttered.

Isabella grabbed my hand and we both raced down the street, crossing roads without waiting for the light to signal for us to go as cars honked at us. I heard sirens and cursed to myself. Adrenaline started to rush through me.

We ran through an alleyway and out on the street again. We ran into what seemed like an expensive neighbourhood and ran through yard after yard. Soon, we saw an open gate and ran to it, closing it and leaning against it. I heard the sirens coming closer to us. Isabella's breathing became heavier so I placed my hand over her mouth and pulled her in front of me so her back was against my chest. I felt my face heat up from our current position but forgot about it when I heard the sirens turn off and the car drive away. I removed my hand off of Isabella's mouth and let out a sigh.

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