"The Intruder" - Chapter 1

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I was eating diner with my brother and dad, as my mother was with a friend. We were all quiet as we still heard birds chirping outside.

"Yesterday I got an A on math, dad." My sibling happily said as he gave me a false grin. I got frustrated and already knew were this conversation would go as I tried to ignore him.

I was just looking at the plate in front of me as my dad praised him.

"Well done, son! I knew you could do it." He padded him on his shoulder as I could already feel his cold eyes looking at me. 

I was still looking at my food hoping he wouldn't talk to me.

"What about you?" 

I slowly looked up as they were both quiet. 

"I erm..." I nervously scratched my back as I didn't want to disappoint him. I knew he wouldn't be as happy with my note, but I could try. 

"I got an A-..." 

My brother began to giggle as my dad faked a smile. 

"That's alright." He looked disappointed, stood up and walked away to make himself ready for work.

Since my earliest memories I have always seen his disappointed face. He was always proud at his older, stronger, less introverted son. But never at me. 

I'm not jealous, but I just feel like I'm never enough... I wish I could do something to see my dad proud. Whatever it takes.

"I have a higher note." Dongmin, my brother, jokingly said as I woke up from my dreams. "Oh shut up." I stood up and decided to have another glass of milk.

I grabbed the cold milk out of the refrigerator and poured it into my glass, not knowing my dad was standing behind me.


His hands around my shoulders and his harsh voice scared me as I accidentally spilled a little milk on the floor while Dongmin was laughing. 

"Dad!" I got annoyed and grabbed a towel as he sat down next to my brother. "Didn't you have to go to work?" 

I kneeled down and swept the white milk from the dark wood as I listened to my father's story.

"No, Jungkook." He smiled. "I got a text from my boss and he told me he needed a young guy for this mission." 

I stood up and put the towel away as I already knew who he would choose again... 

He smiled to my brother, but, looked at me. 

"You know my work is very dangerous, right?" I nodded as it looked like he wanted to ask me. I was surprised and sat down on my chair. 

"But you know how to use guns?" He gave me a confused expression as I though he was joking.

"Of course I know! You taught it us yourself." 

From when my brother and I turned seven, my dad would teach us how to protect our selves and  how to use weapons because he wanted us to continue the family tradition: being vampire hunter.

Again he gave me that disappointed expression and looked to my brother. 

"Dongmin, do you want to go undercover?" "What?!" I said as I stood up. "I thought you would ask me!" I got angry as Dongmin sharply looked at me. 

"Stop it! Dad asks me!" My sibling stood up too and gave me a threatening look. 

"Quiet, quiet." My dad said as we slowly sat down again. 

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now