"The Intruder" - Chapter 12

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Leo's POV

My sister was sitting with me before the fireplace as she let out a deep sigh while staring in front of her.

"What's wrong?" I put my arm around her as she lied her head on my shoulder while closing her eyes.

"I'm just a little tired." I slowly nodded as we were sitting on the Chesterfield. I knew she would fall asleep any moment as I quickly grabbed the book besides me.

I slowly opened it while looking to the fireplace thinking about that vision I had had today. I closed my eyes and saw everything happening in front of me again.

"You stupid vampires!" Charles was standing before me as he stood in a dead end of the labyrinth in our garden. Besides him there was a little river that decorated the surrounding of grass and bushes.

"Excuse me?"

I did one step forward as I smelled the fresh aroma of fear.

"I-I'm going to murder you, you-you stupid monster!"

I deeply sighed as I scratched the back of my head.

"It's quite a pity that humans still use the same stereotypes." "Stop grinning you-you beast. Humans will eventually ban your species from this world."

I cracked my knuckles.

"If I let you go now," I looked to the moon. "Will you just live a happy live and forget your delusions?"

He gave me a questionable look as I smiled. "You can just find yourself a girlfriend, forget us and live happily ever aft-"

"No! I'm going to murder YOU and your SISTER!"

We were quiet for a moment as I heard him gasping for breath out of anxiety.

Something inside me had snapped when he was talking about my sister as I grinned out of frustration noticing my fangs growing.

"Well, I guess you made the wrong choice then..."

I quickly opened my eyes knowing someone was looking at me. I slightly turned my head around to see Charles and Jungkook staring at me.

Jungkook's POV

After I couldn't sleep, I quickly walked downstairs to see Charles as he told me he wanted to meet when it was sunrise.

"Why?!" My eyes grew bigger as he tried to calm me down. "I'm not going to get early out of bed for you!"

He shook his head and grabbed my shoulder tightly. "It's really necessary."

I deeply sighed and looked at him as I tried not to laugh by then dramatic look on his face.

"Okay... But promise me you won't bother me anymore."

A big smile appeared on his face as he thanked me before we would drink something by the fireplace.


We both had grabbed a glass of water in the kitchen as we walked towards the fireplace until we got surprised.

"I guess this place is already occupied..." I noticed Leo and Rhapsody sitting on the sofa as one was leaning with her head against her brother and the other was leaning with his head against the seat.

"Are they... sleeping?" I asked as we were both staring at them until Leo startled us.

He suddenly turned his head to us and gave Charles an intriguing look for a moment. His eyes looked sharper and murderous as it gave me shivers...

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now