"The Intruder" - Chapter 14

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I was packing my bag for tonight as half of my clothes and stuff was lying in my room including the watch I had gotten from Rhapsody to take a look at it once in a while.

"How many time do I have left?" I quietly said being in thought as I walked up to my precious present not noticing my dad walking in.

"Son, don't forget to-" His smile quickly went away as he saw me standing with the pocket watch as I knew I had screwed up.

As soon as possible I hid it behind my back hoping he hadn't noticed it.

His face got annoyed and he put his hand up like he owed me a bunch of money.

"What's that?" His voice had gone cold and his eyes looked disappointed while I felt extremely bad. "N-Nothing..."

He looked at me and suddenly firmly grabbed my arm as he was much stronger than me. Without hesitating he quickly grabbed my watch and aggressively opened it to see the little clock behind the glass.

"Dad, I-I can explain," He was quiet and looked more disappointed every second. "It's a present from a friend and it's nothing special, but dad, I-"

"You didn't get this from a friend," his voice was softer than I had expected yet slightly lower than normal. "This isn't affordable and extremely old."

He slowly looked at me as it felt like my legs were sinking into the floor while his brushy dark eyebrows and frustrated eyes gave me an intense look.

I knew what he wanted to do and tried my best to stop him as he already moved his arm upward.

"Dad, No! I-"

The watch was falling onto the floor as it bounced one time before he gave it a hard kick from above.

We were both quiet for a moment as the glass had broken into a few pieces while the other half was still protecting the broken clock.

"D-Dad... why-why did you do that...?" I was deeply confused as he padded his hands like he had just done a job while looking at the trampled thing giving it a disgusted look.

"Never take presents of a vampire, it's a symbol of leaving to the wrong company." He gave me a threatening look as he lied his hand on my shoulder.

"Take this story as a good example, son."

He deeply sighed and sat down on my bed as I decided to sit next to him not daring to look at my broken clock.

"When I had just met your mother, I went on my first mission after training for years. I was full of the idea that everyone, including vampires, had empathy." He grinned.

"Take this as a good advice, son." He looked out of the window to the sky.

"I thought they looked like human, and had human traits, but boy was I wrong."

My dad pointed to his shoulder now covered with his shirt.

"So I was on a mission and did my job and had never done anything wrong," He smiled. "Yet that vampire I knew for a while back then, tried to kill me out of nowhere while I thought we were good friends..." My father scratched head. "He surely acted like a friend... But anyways, when he got dangerous I shot and thought he was dead... But he wasn't."

He stood up and walked to my door as he gave one last disappointed glimpse at me and the clock that wasn't touched since it hit the ground.

He stood in the door opening as the light of my room illuminated him dramatically.

"It was that Leo... I'm glad Charles got rid of him last week." He closed my door as I heard him walking away.

Leo always scares me with his expression, eyes, acting and more, but cheating on a friend... That's terrible. What a monster.

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now