"The Intruder" - Chapter 21

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Jungkook's POV

A sharp pain in my whole body woke me as I slowly opened my eyes.

I got blinded by the white room I was lying in a cold bed. My first reflection was too close my eyes tightly, but after a moment they were used to the light.

Where... was I?

I slowly tried to sit upright as my dizziness stopped me. Everything was too blurry and hard to see.

I even lost my memories. Why was I lying here in first place?

I slowly looked to my right as I felt the presence of people next to me.

It was hard to see the person at first, but after a moment, I slowly recognised him.

"D-Dad?" I looked to the female besides him giving me a worried look. "Mom?"

They both had tears in their eyes as my mother burst out while leaning on my, now for the first time, worried, brother.

"What happened?"

They suddenly gave each other an anxious look as my dad came a little closer.

"You don't remember... do you?"

I softly shook my head but quickly stopped as the pain wasn't bearable.

"When you went back to... Rhapsody," he watered his lips as the room was filled with uncomfortable silence for a while.

"I tried to stop you, but when I found you, I-"

A tear rolled down his cheek as I had only see him crying when grandma died.

"I was almost too late to save you from that monster..." He almost whispered.

With the little energy I had, I tried to remember things, but couldn't come further than knowing I pointed the gun st Rhapsody...

Did she really... try to murder me?

I looked at my loyal family yet something didn't feel right... Aish, I guess it's just the pain that gives me that weird feeling.

I should trust my family. They also trusted me to do such a hard mission although I can't remember half of it.

"What-What happened to... her?" I watered my dry lips and let out a painful sigh.

"I tried to talk to her, but she wanted to attack me." He let out a sigh too while my brother wanted to get some water.

"I could do nothing else than shoot her."

My heart skipped a beat.

"But she managed to grab my gun and pointed it to you as a threat that I would n-never see you again."

He burst out in tears as I got aggressive. Why would she do that?! That's horrible.

"Don't worry dad," I smiled. "It's okay now."

I thought of the fact that she would probably be dead right now...

It makes me sad, but at the same time happy that I chose for my family.

I looked at their happy and friendly faces as I thought back of Rhapsody's mean brother and sharp teeth and cold skin and-

I shouldn't think about it anymore. It's over now.

Rhapsody's POV

I tried my hardest best to see his eyes open again. To see his beautiful and loyal eyes that would always look at me sweetly. To see his soft smile once again and to kiss him one last time.

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now