"The Intruder" - Chapter 27

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I recommend listening to The Christmas Song by Nat King Cold when seeing * Enjoy Reading

Jungkook's POV

Evelyn and I casually walked into the museum again as we were the only one at this time.

The museum would close in half and hour, but I didn't care.

We quickly ran to the restaurant as no one was to be seen there.

"Please," she wishpered as I quickly walked to the toilets. "What are we doing here?"

I suddenly heard footsteps as I locked ourselves up in one female toilet.

She gave me a worried look as we were standing extremely close to each other in this little space.

After a moment the footsteps were gone as I slowly opened the door again.

"If we pretend like we work here, and we can manage to say they were special guests who brought something from the museum,"

I listened if there was no one around us.

"We can sneak into the car if they are going to deliver the package."

I slowly walked to the door opening and looked from left to right.

"And we can go out, get into their house and no one will notice."

I smiled by the thought of seeing Rhapsody again and tried to forget my worries for when meeting her.

"Why do you think people will deliver a package this late?"

She face palmed as I turned around with a grin.

"I know the manager and some workers here are a vampire too. They don't look and act humanly."

I quickly grabbed her hand making sure she couldn't flee and accidentally get caught by people of the museum.

We both ran trough the quiet halls as I stopped before the staff room.

We were lucky someone had forgotten to close it.

I quickly opened the door into the little messy room and searched for some clothes.

The only thing I could find was one jacket for men, but nothing for women...

Leo's POV

I quickly walked away to my room and didn't like the restless feeling in my head.

He was coming. He was coming our way soon.

I opened my door with a smack and stopped before my big window that looked out over the whole garden.

That stupid kid still tries it again!

Without noticing I hit the table before my with my first as it left a hole.

I guess it's just bad quality, this stupid table.

I shove it away as the sight of the broken wood annoyed me.

At this time everything annoyed me, because of that fool that would try everything to get to my sister and probably hurt her.

Jungkook's POV

I walked hand in hand to the room of the manager of the museum as I tried to get my hair fixed one last time.

We had just looked onto the paper that was lying in the staff room, filled with people that had brought something here.

I had quickly set Leo's name upon it too hoping the museum director would believe me.

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now