"The Intruder" - Chapter 25

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Leo's POV

"But you don't want her to end like you, do you?"

He gave me a intriguing look as I got frustrated trying not to believe he was right.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but giving him an angry look as he sighed.

He looked from his shoes to me and changed into a more relaxed position.

"This." He shrugged and looked with questions in his eyes.

"I mean this. Your bitter eyes, frustrated emotions and the ruthlessness inside you that murdered the innocence that has left you a long time ago."

I got more and more angry as I didn't want to hear the truth. I didn't want to get hurt.

"You are talking rubbish."

I tightly clenched my fist trying to stop all the emotions and voices that were in my head.

"Now," I deeply sighed as my bangs covered my eyes. "Please, excuse me."

I turned around, walked away but he stopped me again with his words.

"I can't believe you don't see this is ruining you and your-"

A harsh sound from Rhapsody's room suddenly interrupt him as I turned around to look at his same surprised expression.

It sounded like... broken glass?

I immediately ran to her room as I didn't hear anything anymore coming from her room.

Nothing happened, right?  She isn't hurt, right?

While getting quite anxious I opened the door with a slam as I was speechless by my sight.

My sister was quietly sitting on her bed with her black clothes as she was sitting with her legs up, with her arms wrapped around them.

And in front of her, I noticed her mirror consisting of three mirrors. The middle one had broken into pieces as I saw her reflection in it too.

Her head was resting on her arms as she quickly looked at me while her eyes turned their normal color again.

Her eyes looked shocked and startled as she gave me an uncomfortable, weak look.


She was shivering a little as tears suddenly fell down her eyes.

"Leo, I'm so sorry, I-"

I quickly walked towards her as she looked at the mirror again.

"I didn't do it on purpose..."

I stopped before her as we were both quietly looking at each other.

When I just walked in, I didn't recognize her. I recognized... me. She had always looked like me, but her eyes never had given me this cold feeling.

I looked into her eyes again as I saw her innocence and love.

As quickly as I could, I gave her a hug while she couldn't stop crying.

I wrapped my arms tightly around my little sister as it hurt me to feel she had lost weight.

"Leo, I-I just couldn't control m-myself and-" She was quietly sobbing and couldn't finish her sentence.


I thought back about the words Ravi had told me as I padded her back.

But you don't want her to end like you, do you?

The Intruder - Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now