Chapter 5 - Memories I Love Always Fade

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I giggled as Kellin tried to tap my nose with his ice cream.

"Sttooopp!!" I pouted. He gave me puppy dog eyes and distracted me, just long enough to get a smear of vanilla on me.

"YOU LITTLE!!" I laughed.

"You can't be mad at mee!!" Kellin teased, sticking out his tongue.

"Just watch me," I huffed playfully. I turned away from him in our small booth.

"Aww don't be mad baby," His arms snaked around my thin waist, and his lovely voice left tingles to travel the route of my spine.

"You ass, you know I can't stay mad when you do that..." I mumbled, turning back to face Kellin.

"Oh you know you love me!" Kellin imitated a young school girl. He did well enough to get giggles out of me. I got a hold of myself and turned serious.


"No what?" Kellin's face showed concentration.

"I don't love you." Kellin was instantly hurt. His eyes and body showed for it.


"That would be an understatement..." I whispered in his ear, snuggling into his warmth.

"You scared me you bitch!" He laughed, and the vibrations hit my head. I let out a squeal as I was thrown over a thin, yet muscular, shoulder.

"PUT ME DOOWWWN!!!" I shouted, slamming my fists on Kellin's back. 

"I don't like that idea!" Kellin mimicked my high pitched voice.

"I DO!!!" I finally felt the heat of the outdoors hit me.

"And remind me why I love you?" Kellin chuckled.

"Because I am a panda!" It was a joke between my friends and I, and Kellin learned soon after we met. 

"Oh shoot! I forgot that!" I was plopped into a nice leather seat, and the car door was closed after Kellin recovered from his own face-palm. I let more girly giggles slip in between my naturally pink, soft lips. Kellin had his dark, rock-star shades to cover those gorgeous eyes of his. Mine were so dull compared to his, and I didn't mind half the time. I liked he was the reason I looked dull. As he revved the ignition, Kellin intertwined our fingers.

"Brooke?" Kellin's voice disrupted the soft music playing.

"Yes, Kellin?" I gave him a small, all-lips smile.

"I love you.." We were at a red light now, and he stared into my pupils and irises.

"Kellin, I know I am not the easiest one to love, so remember in this love we'll be taking chances.." I gave him a simple, yet full of love, peck on the lips.

"Always and Forever," His smile still made me melt, and lose my balance.

"Forever and Always," I replied. We didn't talk the rest of the way, but the silence was no where near awkward. Comfort pillowed it, because our breaths were enough. These type of moments were the ones we needed to keep in mind, being naive children at heart. Because nothing lasts forever. I don't know how I felt about knowing that fact, but him leaving wasn't something to worry about, for now. As we pulled up into my driveway, I smirked.

"HOME SWEET HOME!" I yelped as I ran to my dark, wooden front door.

"Yes!!" Kellin snuck-up on me, scooping me into his arms bridal style.

"Forward my slave!" I joked. He faked gasped but did as told. The minute he put me down on my couch, I hopped over to my radio.

"Could I play the CD with all of those beautiful acoustic EP's?" I begged. I had recently bought If You Were A Movie This Would Be Your Soundtrack and was dying to hear it.

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