Part 2: Late

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3rd Person:

"Excuse me!" Lance yells while running at top speed through the halls of Altea High.

Great. I'm gonna be late for Physics, and on the first day of senior year at that.

All of the sudden Lance slams into something, or rather someone. Lance quickly grabbed them from slamming into anyone else causing a chain reaction or having the person hit the ground. He grabbed one of there hands and their waist and saw who it was.

The boy had deep black hair in the shape of a mullet and currently being covered in a red beanie. Lance froze when he saw the boys gaze. His eyes were the deepest purple he has ever seen and he had soft pale skin. A light blush escaped onto Lances cheeks as he stood the boy up and watched him adjust his backpack.

"Wow, we just met and your already falling for me." Lance smiled to keep the moment happy.

"Whatever." The boy brushed off his shirt and fidgeted with his backpack strap. "And I'm not falling for you so don't get any ideas."

"Well then, I guess I should introduce myself then. I'm Lance, Lance McClain. I'm a senior here at Altea High. What's your name?" Lane beamed.

Dang it Lance, why did you have to say something so stupid! Now he's gonna think your a weirdo.

"None of your business." He snapped "Thank you for slamming into me and then saving me but I must get to class now." The boy then disappeared into the sea of students.

"Well you didn't have to be so snarky about it." Lance mumbled. "Oh crap I'm gonna be late!" The boy in blue then raced off into the crowd to get to his homeroom.


Mr. Takashi Shirogane the whiteboard said. Lance sat in the back of the room and sat his bag down next to him.

Not a second later did the bell ring and everyone scrambled into their seats. A man with pure white hair and a purple button up shirt with black slacks walked up to the head of the room. He looked in his late 20's or early 30's.

"Okay class, I guess since you have all taken the pleasure of taking your seats I guess that we will start role. When I call your name I want you to stand up and do a simple introduction. Does everyone understand?" The teacher spoke. "I will go first. My name is Takashi Shirogane but you can call me Mr. Shirogane, Shiro, Takashi, whatever floats your boat. I've been teaching Physics here for 3 years now. Thank you." Mr. Shirogane then sat down.

For the next couple minutes Mr. Shirogane said names and people introduced themselves.

"Keith Kogane" Mr. Shirogane spoke. No reply. "Uh, Mr. Kogane? Are you present?"

Suddenly the door flew open to reveal the same boy that Lance had literally ran into before class. He was panting with one hand on the door while bending over to catch his breath.

"Here." Keith panted. "I'm here."

"Well then, hello Mr. Kogane. How about you go take a seat next to that man in the back." Mr. Shirogane grinned while gesturing to the empty seat next to who other than Lance.

"Okay thank you." Keith said while he walked to the back of the classroom. Suddenly he froze when seeing the boy in blue.

"Oh great, It's you." Keith mumbled sarcastically. He slumped into his chair and got his things out.

"Keith was it? How about you stand up and introduce yourself like the rest of us?" Mr. Shirogane spoke.

"Oh, sorry." Keith said as he stood up. "Hey, I'm Keith Kogane. I just transferred here from Texas. Uh, I think that's all I guess." He sat down cautiously.

"Lance McClain." Mr. Shirogane spoke.

Lance bounced up from his seat and spoke. "Hello everyone I'm the amazing Lance McClain but I think you already know that." Some students giggled at the comment. "I play soccer and I've been here since Preschool. So watch out boys and girls 'cuz Lance is here!" Lance made finger guns and gave a devilish smirk before sitting down.

"So, Keith huh?" Lance whispered over to Keith.

"Why do you care?" Keith replied.

"I don't know, I guess I feel like I've heard that name before. But I guess it must be a different person." Lance explained. "Well, I really am sorry for running into you in the hallway. If you want to make up for it you can sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

"Thanks but I'll pass." Keith said. "Now pay attention."

Lance looked forward and the introductions came to a close.

"Well since were all done here, lets head right into our work." Mr. Shirogane said as he stood up from his tiny office and pulled up a PowerPoint titled Physics. A loud groan escaped some of the students when hearing that.


A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you like this new chapter. I will be calling Mr. Shirogane "Shiro" from now on so don't worry. Also, hang tight because next chapter we get to see Pidge, Hunk, and Allura! Also I will be making this story based off of what has recently happened in the show with Shiro being gay and having white hair. (Sorry Shallura shippers but Shadam will be a thing in this book!) Finally, when school starts for me again I will be updating every Friday. But until then I will be updating whenever I can.

<3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now