Part 17: Panic!

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Lance's POV:

The credits finally rolled and I looked around to see the twins sound asleep. Zelda was curled up in a little ball and Zack had a pool of drool hanging from his mouth. I chuckled to myself and was about to get up when I felt something land on my shoulder. I looked over to see Keith softly snoring with his head on my shoulder.

"Oh great." I groaned and rested my head on the back of the couch.

I carefully moved Keith's head to the other side and got up. I found a blanket and draped it over him. He settled into the gesture by curling up into a little ball and adjusting his head into the mass of decorative couch pillows.

I walked over to the twins and I picked up Zelda like a baby and brought her up to her room and tucked her in. I did the same thing to Zack but he was slightly more difficult for his position on the bean bag made it difficult for me to pick him up.

After everyone was settled in their rightful places, I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I started to watch 'Mean Girls' when Keith woke up.

"What's going on? Did I fall asleep?" He rubbed his eyes while sitting up.

"Don't worry, everything is taken care of. Now you can go back to sleep." I smiled.

He nodded and thumped back into his previous position and fell fast asleep. I sighed and continued to watch my show. After about halfway through my eyelids got heavy and everything went black.


3rd Person

Sun shined through the windows and hit Lances eyes making him wake from his passed out slumber. The smell of eggs and bacon enveloped him and he looked in the kitchen to see his sister Veronica cooking.

"Good morning sleepy head, Have a good nights rest?" She asked while switching to the griddle to flip the bacon. 

"Uh good I guess, why?" He asked curiously.

"Well considering the fact that you fell asleep with your legs on Keith's face, I think that you should move them before he wakes up and kills you." 

"Wait WHAT?!" Lance looked to see that his feet were in fact on to of Keith's face. He slowly moved them so he wouldn't wake up the demon and swung them to the floor. He  found a blanket on the floor and placed it over Keith before going into the kitchen to help with breakfast. 

"You're lucky he didn't wake up. When I got home you guys were out cold. You're lucky I covered for you when Marco got home. He got home five minutes after me and I had to take extreme measures. You owe me big time for saving your butt." She laughed that last part and jokingly punched her brother in the shoulder. 

"Ow, that hurt V!" Lance rubbed his arm.

"Whats going on?" Keith said waking up and looking outside. "Oh its morning already." He paused. "waIT ITS MORNING AND I'M NOT HOME AND KROLIA IS GONNA KILL ME AND THEN SHIRO IS GONNA BE ANGRY AND AHHHHH" 

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa man, clam down." Lance calmed while walking over and placing his hands on Keith's shoulders. "Nobody is gonna be mad, nobody is gonna get killed and wait did you just say Shiro? Like in our teacher Mr. Shirogane?" Lances eyes widened as he realized the last part.

"Yah, hes my adopted brother. Krolia adopted him when he was my age and then he moved out and became a teacher at the high school. Then after Shiro left Krolia got lonely and adopted me. So we're brothers, in a way." Keith explained. "When he visits he always makes sure my homework is done and takes care of Krolia. But when we are in a school setting he asked me not to refer to him as Shiro and to respect him as a teacher and I agree to those terms." 

Lances jaw was practically on the floor. "Wait a minute. You, and our teacher are BrOtHeRs?!"

Keith nodded. "You are precisely correct. Now, if I don't get home like now I am gonna be slaughtered by a 200 pound man of pure muscle with a almost solid steel arm. And if I get hit by that hand it is all over." Keith sprinted to the door and slipped his red and white shoes on. "See ya Monday!" Keith smiled, made a little salute and headed out. 

"3..." Lance began. "2..." 

"Why are you counting?" Veronica began.

Lance looked at his sister and gave her a smirk. "1."

Keith slammed the door open. "Lance I need you to give me a ride. I cannot believe I left my bike at home." Keith smacked himself in the head with his hand.

"Gimme a sec. Go turn the car on." Lance said grabbing the keys and tossing them to Keith. He caught them and headed out the door. Lance got his shoes on and headed out the door saying bye to his sister.

Lance got into the truck and pulled it into reverse. He backed out of the driveway and they headed down the dirt road. 


They were driving down the road and suddenly the car started to slow down. Lance pulled to the side of the road as the car gave a few sputters and went dead.

"Oh no. No no no no no no no this can NOT be happening right now." Lance hit the steering wheel making a loud slamming noise. "Come on blue, just a few more miles and we're there." Lance turned the key to start up the engine. It just sputtered and died again. "Ah Blue why now?!" 

"What just happened?" Keith said in a calming yet panicked tone. 

"It's fine, Blue does this sometimes. She is just overheated I think." 

"You think. YOU THINK?! Dude, I have to be home or I am gonna get slaughtered by a cyborg and your car just died. Now is NOT the time to make hypothesis'." Keith broke. He started to breath heavily and to get a headache. "You know what, where is your tool box." 

Lance looked at Keith with a concerning face for a moment but then softened. "In the back hold on." He reached to the back seat and brought out a car maintenance kit. Keith grabbed it and got out of the car. He opened the lid and began to work on the engine. After a couple banging noises and angry yells he shut the hood and got back in the car. 

"Fixed, now lets go." Keith looked at Lance with an almost murderous look. 

"Oh....kay then." Lance said horrified. He turned the key and the car roared to life. He looked to Keith. "What did you do?"

"A screw was loose and your oil is running low, also it is over heating so we better go or its gonna die again." Keith smiled. 

They drove in silence mainly because Lance was afraid of Keith at the moment. After they drove into Keith's driveway Keith practically flew out of the car door and hopped over the fence. He climber the side of the house to his window and climbed inside to his room. 

Lance saw the entire thing and his jaw was once again on the floor. But he just shrugged and drove away to get back home for breakfast.


Hey y'all it's me again with another chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to have Shiro in the story more. I am just as sad as you are about the last season of all of our favorite show coming to an end this Friday but just so you know I will be continuing this story after the show ends. 

Once again, I love you all and I will see you next time!

              Love Always,


Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now