Part 8: Art Class

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Keith's POV:

Over the next couple of weeks I avoided Allura. She sat with us at lunch and sat next to Lance just to snuggle up to him. Every time I looked at her she would give me the death glare.

I still hung out with the gang like it was nothing though. We all hung out after school (with the exception of Fridays where we would play D&D) and classes were fun.

Our Physics project was coming up in a week and Lance and I have done absolutely nothing about it.

After a while Lance started disappearing every now and then. Like he would sit with Allura and the cheerleaders at lunch or focus on Allura more than anything else.

I'd hate to admit it but I kinda missed him hanging out with us. The constant stream of memes and  laughter was gone and things sometimes got awkward between Pidge, Hunk, and I. Lance brought us together. And Allura was tearing us apart. I needed to talk to him.

There was one class that Lance and I had that made it the perfect time to talk. Art.

I walked into class to see Lance sitting at an easel. He saw me and waved me over.

"Hey Keith! Haven't seen you in a while..." Lance chirped as I sat down at an easel next to him.

I looked over at his canvas to see a painting of a boy falling into a sea. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"What's that?" I asked

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"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh it's just a side project." Lance said.

"It's amazing."

"Oh thanks. I was bored and decided to paint. It's nothing."

"What do you mean it's-" I yelled but was cut off with the teacher starting the class.

"Good morning class, today we will be painting using only one color of the rainbow. We are exploring the art of shading using color and color schemes." The teacher announced. "Now, chop chop! Get to work my artists!" She sat down at her desk and worked on our computer.

3rd Person:

After a couple of minutes of sketching Keith chose the color red and started to paint. Lance leaned over to see a picture of a red lion. It's mane was flowing and beautiful. 

(Minus the blue eyes and they are red

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(Minus the blue eyes and they are red.)

"Keith, that's amazing." Lance gasped.

"No it's not. The eyes are not proportional and the mane looks bad." He slouched and tried to cover his art.

"Yah it is!" Lance flicked his brush which accidentally had some blue paint on it onto Keith's black shirt.

"Did you just, flick paint at me?" Keith smiled and took his brush. "So your gonna play it that way huh?" He dipped his brush in the red and flicked it at Lance getting it on his face and hair.

"Ah Keith!" Lance flicked his brush back.

The back of the art room soon turned into a frenzy of red and blue paint flying everywhere. Lance even took his bucket and dumped it all over Keith.

"Woah that was too far!" Keith said while laughing.

Lance looked at Keith and stopped. His smile was so bright and happy that Lance forgot everything that was going on. Even though his face was covered in red you could see Lance blushing through the paint.

"Am I falling for Keith?" Lance thought. "Nah, I just like his smile. And he probably doesn't feel the same anyway." Lance shrugged off the thought and laughed as well.

"Mr. MaClain! Mr. Kogane! Please come see me in the hallway!" The teacher yelled from her desk after seeing what had happened. The two boys stopped laughing and went into the hallway. They looked like red and blue blobs walking through the classroom.

" I am extreemily disappointed in both of you! You two are my best artists and you are goofing off in the back of my classroom! I want both of you to go home and clean up. Then after school come back and I want you to scrub my classroom top to bottom!" The teacher scolded them.

"Aww dang it! I was planning on going to the arcade though!" Lance looked bummed.

"Well you will have to reschedule. And also I saw that some students 'saved' your artwork from getting ruined during your little fiasco. I want you to turn them in for grading please." She walked back into the classroom.


Keith and Lance went into the bathroom and wiped the paint off their faces and chlothing the best they could and Keith called his foster mom.

"Hey Krolia? I had a little inccident at school and could you come pick me up?" He talked into the phone.

"Why not take your bike?" She asked from the other end.

"Uh, I'm not in the condition to uh ride it at the moment." He talked embarrassed.

"Okay I'll come pick you up." She hung up the phone and Keith looked at Lance.

"Do you need a ride?" Keith looked at Lance.

"Uh, yah... my parents are both at work and I don't have a ride. Usually hunk drives me to school." Lance admitted.

"At least it's not your parents." Keith said.

Krolia pulled up in her car and rolled down the window to see the two blobs of red and blue and she burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Keith but you two look hilarious!" Krolia yelled from the car.

"Thanks. Hey Lance needs a ride, could he come over to clean up?" Keith asked through the window of the car.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" She unlocked the back doors and Lance hopped in the backseat. Keith sat in the passenger and they drove off  to Keith's house.


Hi guys! So as every other author on Wattpad these days my school is starting next Wednesday so next week I will only update on Fridays and (sometimes if I'm feeling like it) on Tuesdays! I hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry it was so long. I have a list of things I want to happen in this book and this was one of the things on the list so Check! Anyway I hope everyone has a wonderful back to school time and good luck in the new year!!

<3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now