Part 14: Uncle Lance

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Keith's POV:

I froze. Kids? Not my style. Nobody has ever wanted or even considered leaving me with their child's life for more than 30 seconds.

"Oh no no no no. I am not good with kids. I'll just be in your way." I try to explain.

"Don't worry. I'll do all the work. You did our project yourself so it's my turn to repay the favor." Lance smiled and looked at my clothes. "But first you need to change. Let's get you something more appropriate for going in public."

I looked down and remembered that I was still in my red plaid pajamas and MCR tee.

"Let's see what you got here buddy." Lance said as he flew open my middle drawer.

The entire drawer was a seas of black with hints of red shirts peeking up. The shirts varied from concert tees to flannels.

"Oh no this won't do." Lance worried as he threw about every price of clothing out of my dresser.

After about 10 minutes or so of Lance complaining to me on how dark and brooding my wardrobe is he finally threw me an outfit and shoved me into the bathroom to put it on.

Lance found the one white shirt I had. The one. I hid that thing under my entire drawer under the sea of red and black hoping that he wouldn't find it. But he did. Great. 

I reluctantly slid on the plain white tee and put on the black (unripped) jeans. Lance found one of my red flannels and a red beanie and I put them on.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Lance jump up and down in excitement.

"Once again, Lance has found an amazing outfit out of nothing." Lance smirked and ran over to where I kept my shoes. He pulled out some black tennis shoes and chucked them at me. "Put these on."

As soon as I finished lacing them up Lance grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my room and down the stairs.

He threw the front door open and dragged me all the way to his light blue pickup. The paint was peeling off showing the silver metal that was slightly rusting and the tires looked torn up.

"Here it is. This is baby Blue." Lance said slapping the hood. Isn't she a beauty?"

"Yah. It's got that rustic feel to it I guess..." I said trying to make it sound as nice as possible. It was a good car but I just didn't feel "safe"

"Well, let's get going!" Lance hopped into the drivers seat while I steadily lowered myself into the passengers.

"Don't worry, she's been running for 300,000 miles already she won't break on you." Lance smiled and started he engine.

After a sputter and a hiccup the 1972 Ford truck started up and we pulled out of the driveway.


After about 10 minutes of driving we pulled up to an old looking house with yellow chipped paint. It had a tan minivan in the driveway and a blue bicycle in the brown grass.

Lance pulled up next to the minivan  and hopped out of the truck shutting the door with a loud thump behind him. I followed along behind him and we walked up to the front door.

Lance pulled out a key and unlocked the door. The door swung open and Lance ran into the house without taking off his shoes.

I stopped at the door and took off my shoes while hearing Lance and what seemed like children from the other room. There laughs and screams rang throughout the hallway.

I walked through the hallway next to the stairs and into what looked like the kitchen with a living room next to it. Lance was on the ground with two little kids tackling him on the ground.

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now