Part 3: Lunch

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Keith's POV:

Lunch time. The worst part of my day. The time of day when everyone splits off into their little groups and socialize. But when your like me and you move every year or 2 you never make any real friends. Just as your about to make one you move away and have to start over.

I quickly grab my lunch and sit at a table with nobody at it. I start to eat my sandwich in peace when a certain boy from Cuba sees me.


3rd Person:

Lance walked into the room with his lunchbox and immediately saw Keith. He got exited and waved frantically. Keith tried to ignore him but it was too late and Lance was already running over.

"Hey Keith! What's up?" He says as he invites himself and slides next to Keith. "You looked lonely so I figured you needed someone to hang with."

"Thanks but I'm good." Keith's says while taking another bite.

Suddenly, two people spotted the taller boy and ran over. The taller one had brown hair with an orange bandana and skin slightly tanner than Lances. He had a bigger build and wore a yellow turtleneck with a green vest and brown shorts.

The other was short and had brown hair with light brown eyes. Shehad round glasses and a green loose turtleneck.

"Hey Lance!" The short one yelled as she ran over.

"Whats up Pidge?" Lance replied. "Hey Hunk!" He said noticing the taller male.

"Hello." Hunk smiled and waved after running after Pidge.

"Whose this? New kid?" Pidge asked turning her head sideways and inspecting Keith suspiciously.

"Oh, this is Keith. He's in my home room and a couple other classes. He might come off as rude but he's cool once you get to know him." Lance beamed at Pidge.

"Well, aren't you gonna introduce us?" Pidge asked while sitting down across from Keith.

"Oh sorry Keith, this is Pidge. She's super smart. She's a senior here and she's only 15. She's supposed to be a freshman but they skipped her a couple grades because of her intelligence." Lance said to Keith while gesturing to Pidge.

"Hello Pidge." Keith mumbled while opening a bag of chips.

"And this is Hunk. He's a super good mechanic. He's also a senior and he plans on becoming an engineer or mechanic. Super nice guy and is amazing at cooking." Lance gestured to Hunk who was now sitting next to Pidge.

"Hi." Hunk smiled at Keith.

"Hello." Keith said while eating another chip.

"I have an idea!" Pidge jumped from her seat. "Let's all come over to my house after school and have a game night!"

"That's a great idea!" Lance exclaimed also jumping from his seat in excitement. "Keith aren't you coming?"

"Nah, I'm good." Keith replied unenthusiastically.

"Come on."Lance begged dragging the o longer than nessisary. "Please?"

"Fine. But I want to play the new Call of Duty."

"Yay! Let's meet up at Pidge's house after school. I'll order pizza and Hunk can you bring pop?"

"Sure." Hunk gave in. Hunk was always picked to bring pop.

"One question." Keith interrupted. "Where's your house?"

"Oh Lance can show you. Do you have your own ride?" Pidge asked.

"I got a bike." Keith mumbled.

"Like a bicycle or a motorcycle?" Lance asked cautiously.

"Motorcycle." Keith replied quickly.

"Good. Lance can ride with you and tell you the directions." Pidge explained.

"Sounds good! I'll ride with mullet over here and we'll meet you at your house!" Lance got up and grabbed his backpack. Just as he finished the bell rang.

"Well, see ya there!" Lance ran off to his class.

"See you there I guess." Keith mumbles while leaving as well.


Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it! Next chapter we'll see some more characters... Also, I apologize for updating so late. I'm currently on vacation and I'm writing every minute I get so don't worry because I'm not giving up on this book!
<3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now