Part: 20 The Calvary

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3rd Person
~Before arriving at the Garrison and in his car to pick up Allura~

"ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! ALL THE SINGLE LADIES! ALL THE SINGLE LADIES PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Lance sang at the top of his lungs while waiting for the light to turn green. He danced to the music like nobody was watching. Swinging his arms everywhere and doing his best attempt at the choreography while sitting down. People from the cars next to him gave him concerning looks but he didn't care.

The light turned green and the people in the cars were silently praying thanks. Lance drove strait down the road and soon turned down a long paved road to a giant white mansion. The road was lined with cherry blossom trees and the grass was a vibrant green. Flowers and hedges decorated the yard making it look like a paradise; but the house in the middle of it all was the grand centerpiece that completed the elegant look. The house was twice, maybe three times, as big as Lances. The walls were a vibrant white and had two giant white doors with blue tinted glass. The manor was three stories tall with engraved stone decorating its walls. It had one of those roundabout things at the front with a fountain in the middle that you can drive up to and have a valet park your car.

Lance drove around the fountain and parked his car. He looked behind him to see that his gear was all there. It was a mass of black fabric with blue accents and a giant paintball gun payed on top of it all.

A man in a white suit with blue and gold accents opened his door. "Hello and welcome back Mr. McClain. We are happy to see you again." The man spoke with a British accent. He was in his later stages of life with gray hair and wrinkles beginning to form along his cheeks from smiling. "Are you here to speak with Lady Allura?"

"Yes I am, and how are you doing today Charles?" Lance stepped out out of his vehicle and walked up the white marble stairs. Two men in suits similar to Charles opened the main doors to the house.

The interior of the house greeted you with a giant marble staircase with gold filled cracks. The floor had a giant gold and white textured flower that looked like a lily. A giant crystal chandelier hung from the tall ceiling brightening the area. Balconies stretched from the sides of the staircase releasing doors to rooms that even Lance didn't know had in them. 

"Mr. McClain, may I take your jacket?" Said one of the servants.

"Oh thank you, you are too kind as always." Lance smiled while taking off his shoes and jacket. A maid took his shoes and gave him a pair of slippers while the butler took his brown jacket and took it to hang in the closet. He put the slippers on and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh hello Mr. McClain!" One of the chefs greeted. "Just a snack for the road? I know it's paintball day so I already prepared you some nutritious treats to eat." She pulled out some homemade granola bars and a pack of M&Ms.

"Oh thank you miss." Lance smiled. He grabbed the chefs hand and gently kissed it. "You are too kind." The female chef lightly blushed and stepped away.

"Always a huge flirt I see Mr. McClain."

"You know it." Lance grabbed some snacks and left to the lounge to wait for his female friend. After walking into the room he sat down on one of the luxurious couches and turned on the TV. He ended up watching a soccer match for the World Cup between the US and Brazil.

Allura was brushing her long white hair when one of her maid knocked on the door.

"Excuse me miss but Mr. McClain has arrived. He is in the lounge waiting for you as we speak. Also I am here to give you your uniform." She held out a black suit with pink accent on top we're a pair of black boots with a kitten heel.

"Thank you Helen, you may be excused." Allura nodded and took the outfit.

After slipping into the suit she went over to one of her walls and pressed a button on the side making an invisible door slide open. The room was similar to a closet but instead held her personal arsenal. It has whips, guns, knives of all sizes, swords, and finally her weapon for paintball. It was a paintball gun like everyone else's but it was a newer model that was more advanced than any of her partners. It shot further, had better accuracy, held more amo, and was lighter for convenience.

"There you are." Allura smiled. She picked up the weapon and left her bedroom. She went down the stairs and strait to the lounge to see Lance fully enveloped in the soccer game. Allura saw that Brazil was winning by only a point and time was running out. The ball was in the US' hands (or feet rather) and we're almost to the goal.

"LETS GO COME ON!" Lance yelled at the television.

"Uh Lance, what are you doing?" Allura asked.

Lance saw Allura standing against the door and he sat down immediately. "I was waiting for you; and we better hurry because we've already missed the first round. Now let's go before we miss the second round!" He turned the tv and grabbed Allura hand as he ran out of the room.

Lance was given his shoes and jacket back as he gave his slippers to the maid that had previously handed them to him. The servants were front of Lance. Even though when he came over he didn't stay long he was always kind to them.

Lance put his shoes and jacket on and the two left the house. His car was brought up to the front of the house by a Shaffer. The man handed Lance his keys and the two hopped into the car.

"Let's turn on some tunes, shall we?" Lance said while plugging his phone in and turning the music on. Soy Yo by Bomba Estéreo started to blast out of the cars speakers and he drove off.

"Me caí, me paré, caminé, me subí. Me fui contra la corriente y también me perdí" Lance began. Allura laughed and joined in during the chorus because of her lack of the Spanish language.

"SOY YO!" They sang to the beat.

"SOY! SOY! SOY! SOY! SOY! SOY! SOY!" Lance yelled.

"YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!" Allura sang.

After the song ended the two friends laughed. Lance pulled into the parking lot of The Garrison and they got out of the car.

Lance and Allura signed in and added their names to Keith, Pidge, and Hunks team and went searching for them. After about 10 minutes they spotted a short blonde haired girl with glasses jumping around the cafeteria.

"Found them." Lance laughed and they entered the room.

"Oh by the way, Lance and Allura will be joining us in a moment. There was a bit of a hold up in the travel situation." Keith looked up from his phone.

"Not just in a moment, cuz the Calvary has arrived!" Lance smiled. The two friends did their signature pose of going back to back and making finger guns at them.

"Lance!" Pidge got up and hugged Lance. "I'm so happy your here!"

"Ya, where were you guys?" Hunk asked standing up.

"Allura took too long to get ready." Lance smiled.

"No I didn't! You were just early!" The taller female retorted jokingly.

"Whatever as long as your here that's fine with me." Keith said playing on his phone.

"Aww you missed me!" Lance smirked while placing his forearm on Keith's shoulder.

"No I didn't, now can we go? The arena should be ready by now." The smaller boy snarked.

"Oh come on lighten up." Lance got up and the five of them walked off to the arena for the next battle.


I was so exited to write about Allura's house you have no idea. I like to use imagery and describe things in my writing so people can imagine it better. But I still leave space for the imagination. I also wanted to show that even though Allura was kinda mean to Keith at the beginning I want to say that she has warmed up to him and they are good friends at this portion. Also I wanted to slow that she isn't a huge jerk. Love y'all and see ya later!

<3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now