Part 21: Rainforests and Rockies

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Keith's POV:

After Lance and Allura arrived everything went faster than any of us had expected. The next zone we went into was a Tropical Jungle and because of the overgrowth Pidge snuck all the way to the middle with ease and snatched the glowing green gem. None of us broke our cover so when the siren rang signaling that it was over the staff looked shocked.

"That was awesome Pidge!" I cheered giving her a high five.

"Yeah it was! Woot woot!" The small girl threw her fist in the air and pretended to pull a train whistle.

After a flurry of high fives we had ended up back in the lobby to see a certain buff and black haired boy chatting with Adam.

"Shiro what are you doing?" I asked, leaving my group and heading over to him.

"Oh I thought that I could come and watch your guys' next match. But Adam here was explaining that I don't have to watch but I can join your team," Shiro smiled.

"Oh no you aren't."

"Why not?"

"Because there isn't enough room for you. We already have six and seven would make it crowded."

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up to see lance giving me a smile. "How about it? He can't do us any harm and after the first round he'll get tired and step out,"

"Yah, and Shiro would be a nice asset for that abandoned urban area." Hunk spoke up from the group.

"You guy really hunk he won't just get in the way?" I turned around and faced my friends. Pidge, Hunk, and Allura all turned and looked at each other and then they nodded in unison.
"Okay then! Shiro you're on our team I guess, go get suited up or whatever," I threw my hands up in the air for emphasis.

"Okay Shiro I'm gonna need you to sign here and follow me to the back so I can show you how to get into your gear properly," Adam spoke to Shiro. A slight blush tinted the males sun kissed face as he lead him to the back room.

"Speaking of which, we should head to the screening room to scan the next terrain we will be entering. I think it's the Mountains?" Allura said while walking towards the door engraved with the words 'Screening Room'. The others immediately followed suit.

Shiro's POV:

"Wait a moment. I have to wear all this?" I asked looking at what looked like hockey pads but simpler.

"Correct. Our paintball arena guarantees our guests safety so we do everything possible to hold up that promise." Adam explained.

I began to slide my gear on when Adam immediately stopped me. "Wait don't put your gloves on first! You put the suit jacket on, then the arm pads, then the gloves." He slid my hands out of the black gear and handed me what seemed to be the breastplate. I slid it over my chest and fastened the straps.

"Oh wait. Let me get that for you," Adam lifted my arms up and pulled on the straps making them slightly tighter. After he was done he stood back up only half a foot from my face and looked at me which made my heart drop. His deep brown eyes hidden behind thin squares glasses made me wish I could swim in an endless sea of chocolate. And his hair was slightly messy making his brown hair go in various directions. I realized how close we were and my face began to heat up. I turned away covering a hand over my face to hide my sudden blush.

"A-are you o-okay sir?" Adam stuttered as I looked to see that his face was a deep pink.

"Y-yea. Let's just get the rest of this gear on and get back to the other's." I stuttered. Wait, did I just stutter? I never stutter unless it's around a guy I li- oh no.

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now