Part 15: The Park

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3rd Person:

Keith sprinted up the stairs and into Zacks room. He slammed he door open to see Zack on the floor playing with his cars like nothing had just happened.

"Uh why are you on the floor? I thought you were hurt?" Keith asked confused.

"Oh I'm fine now. It was only a Lego. And I'm brave!" Zack beamed.

Keith placed the batman ice pack on the nightstand and sat down next to Zack.

"Lemme take a look." Keith said as he picked up the hurt foot.

It looked totally normal but a little red where it made contact with the price of plastic.

"I don't see anything anything abnormal so I guess your fine." Keith concluded. "But I think something else is going to come soon." He smiled an evil smirk.

"What's gonna happen to my foot Keith? Is the owie gonna kill me?" Zack asked horrified.

"No. The tickle monster is gonna get it!" Keith laughed and started to tickle Zacks foot.

Zack roared with laughter and hunched over. "Stop Keith! That tickles!" He tried to get Keith's hands off his foot but it was no use. With Keith tickling him and him too engulfed in laughter he didn't have enough strength the overcome the infamous Tickle Monster.

After a couple more seconds Keith finally let go. Zack stopped laughing and calmed down. Keith sat up and picked up the 2 cars.

"So, which car can I use?"


Keith's POV:

After about an hour or playing with Zack's Hot wheels, Legos, and watching Power Rangers Ninja Steel on his tv I heard a knock on the door.

"Do not enter! This is private area that only Keith and I can go into!" Zack yelled in response.

"Oh well then I guess that you don't want to go to the park with your fabulous Uncle Lance." Lance said while opening the door.

Zack's face lit up. A spark of happiness filled his eyes as he jumped up from his seat on the floor and flew the door the rest of the way open.

"I wanna go to the park! Please take me with you Uncle Lance!!" He begged.

"Fine. I guess you can come if you want." Lance pretended to give in. "Go get your shoes on and then we can leave. Keith, can you help Zack get his shoes on and help him into the car? He's still having trouble learning how to buckle his seatbelt."

"Sure, lets go Zack." I said engine standing up. We walked out of the room and down the stairs to the shoe box.

"I have Batman shoes! Aren't they awesome?" Zack asked while pulling out two batman printed tennis shoes.

"Yah, they are amazing." I replied while undoing the velcro and sliding on the first shoe.

Lance walked in with Zelda sitting on his hip. He took her off and sat her on the bench. He took out two Disney Princess printed tennis shoes and slid them on her feet.

It reminded me of when my parents used to to that to me. We used to go to the park together. I would meet up with Lance and we would play on the equipment while our parents talked. Then we would eat lunch under that tree on the hill. We used to be so happy playing and going down the slide together.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder that broke my trance and I realized that Zack was still waiting for me to put on his other shoe.

"Oh sorry Zack. I was just thinking about something that happened a long time ago..." I apologized mumbling the last part.

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now