Part 7: Allura

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Keith's POV:

I was early for English so I just sat down at my desk and grabbed my materials. After a bit (more like 15 seconds) I got bored and started drumming on the desk.

"Keith was it?" A girl asked.

I looked up to see a tall girl with tan skin and long white hair. She smiled and sat next to me.

"Uh, who are you?" I sat up in my chair.

"I don't believe we've met but I'm Allura, Lances best friend." She sassed as she sat down and looked forward.

"Good morning class." Coran said as he walked to the front of the room. "Today we will be studying Shakespeare's Hamlet."

A groan escaped throughout the room to just about everyone except Allura.

"You seem to really like this class huh?" I whispered over to her.

"Duh, he's my uncle." She rolled her eyes and looked ahead.


The bell finally rung and I immediately grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the room as soon as
I could. But before I could get out of the room Allura grabbed my backpack and yanked me backward.

"Just so you know, I'm Lance's only best friend. So don't go getting comfy because if you take him away from me you will regret it." Allura threatened.

"Okay..." I said as I backed off cautiously.

"Oh, and don't tell anybody about this little encounter. Okay?" She smiled and bounced back to her peppy self as she skipped out of the room.

"Okay. Allura is a bit scary but I think I can handle this." I mumbled to myself as I walked to Math with Professor Sendak.

I walked into the room to find Pidge playing on her laptop.

"Hey Pidge." I said as I sat down next to her. That's when I realized she wasn't playing on her laptop. She was hacking into the school security cameras.

"Uh Pidge? Why are you hacking into the sch-" I asked but she covered my mouth with her hand and shushed me. I pulled her hand away forcibly. "What was that for?"

"Don't finish that sentence." She warned. "I'm trying to hack it so I can do something in the future." Pidge closed her laptop and placed it in her bag.

"Hey Pidge? Do you know a girl named Allura?" I asked.

Pidge's eyes went wide as saucers. "You didn't meet her did you? Because if you did your dead meat." She warned.

"Yah I met her. She's a jerk. She said something about-" Once again she covered my mouth. I licked it and she jerked it back.

"First off ew." She said as she wiped her hand on my shirt. "And second, don't talk about her. Ever. Do what she says and you won't get your life ruined." Pidge stared me directly in the eyes when she said the last part. Pidge looked horrified. Like Allura was a demon on or something.

"Okay then." I said cautiously.


What up everyone?! Sorry that this one is short. My week has been packed and I had limited time to write. Also, what do you think of Allura so far? I'm not gonna make her a total jerk the whole time so don't think I'm a hater. Being honest here i was in conflict the entire time I was writing this chapter and the time I wasn't uploading. Welp, I hope y'all enjoyed it and have a wonderful day!

                      <3 Prezident_Taquito

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now