Part 13: The Project

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3rd Person:

"How could you Keith? How could you leave me here all alone? Do you have any idea what I had to go through alone while you go to travel all over the country?" Lance screamed at Keith with tears in his eyes.

"Yah Keith. I can't believe you. You left your only friend behind when you knew that their was another option." Pidge shook her head.

"Yah man that was harsh." Hunk backed her up.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave you! I didn't have a choice whether I could stay or go! Please forgive me!" He yelled trying to drown out all the negativity.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" Keith screamed with tears in my eyes.

Lance walked up to Keith and looked down at his hand now balled up into a fist.

"You should be." He said as he slammed it smack into Keith's face.


Keith's POV:

I woke up suddenly with tears streaming down my face. I looked over to see the time.


"Oh good. It's finally Saturday." I sighed as I rolled over and fell back asleep.

Right as I was about to fall back asleep Krolia yells something from downstairs. I hesitantly get out of bed and walk downstairs in my red plaid pajama bottoms and black MCR T shirt.

Right as I got to the bottom of the stairs Krolia was standing in the entryway next to who other than Lance. He was wearing his usual blue and white tee and jeans.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Remember our project that is due on Monday? The project that is like 50 percent of our grade?" He explains.

The project. Great. I forgot the stupid Physics project. And to make matters worse, I remembered that I'm partnered with Lance.

"Oh yah, the physics project on that thing that we were supposed to do a project on..." I said while pretending that I knew exactly what I was talking about.

"The laws of motion essay you mean. And we need to get started on it asap. Now where is your room?" Lance said while pushing pass me to run up the stairs.

"No no no! Not my room!" I scrambled up the stairs and ran into my room to see Lance looking at a photo on my dresser.

I run over to him and grab the photo out of his hands. Lance looks at me and smirks.

"You still have this? I remember taking this." Lance remembered as he pointed at the photograph.

The picture was of Lance and I when we were kids. I had a red shirt and black overalls and Lance had a blue shirt and black jeans. We were standing on the sidewalk holding hands. Grins stretched across both our faces as we smiled for our first day of preschool.

"Yah, I kept it as a memo. I brought it along with me but after a couple of years I forgot who I was standing next to so I stopped unpacking it and I kept it in my suitcase or closet. Then after I remembered that it was us I put it on my dresser." I placed the picture back on the dresser and sat in my bed. 

"Well, guess we should get started on this project! Shall we?" Lance clapped his hands together and pulled out his laptop from his bag that he brought with him.

"Fine. But what law of motion should we do?"

"How about 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'?"

"Sure. Let me get my laptop first though." I stood up. "Don't touch anything while I'm gone."

I shut the door behind me and ran down the stairs. Krolia was standing at the counter drinking her coffee.

"So how's the project going?" She asked while I unplugged my laptop from the charger.

"It's going great. Now I need to go back upstairs before-" I answered but was interrupted by a loud thud from upstairs. "-He does something stupid." I sighed and walked back up the stairs and opened the door.

I found Lance on the floor doing snow angels on my red rug.

"Really? I ran back up here to make sure you were okay to find you sprawled across the floor on my rug." I lectured.

"You rug is soooo soft though! It's like a little cloud." Lance groaned as he rolled back and forth across the rug.

"Your acting like a child. Now let's get to work." I said trying to get him on task.

After 15 minutes of arguing and compromising Lance finally agreed to sit up and start working.


"Done!" I said as I hit 'Print' and ran over to my miniature printer.

Lance sat up with a string of drool from his mouth. After 30 minutes of boring research he fell asleep on my bed leaving me to do over half the project.

"Oh we're done already?" Lance groaned still half asleep. "What time is it?"  He looked over at my clock to see that it was noon.

"Oh crap! I gotta go babysit!" Lance scrambled out of the bed and quickly put away his laptop.

"Woah woah woah. You come over to my house at 8 in the frickin morning and tell me that we have a project due. Then you fall asleep and end up making me do the entire project myself. Now right after I'm done you don't even say thank you and you have to go?" I yell as he zips up his laptop bag.

"Yah I'm sorry. I barely got any sleep last night because Luis and his wife came into town and there kids were all over me. Literally. Now they are going on a lunch date and they are expecting me to babysit the little devils." Lance started to get out the door but stopped. "But if you want, you can come to and help?"


Hey y'all it's Prezident_Taquito here back at it again with a new chapter for y'all! I hope you enjoy my little cliff hanger here and I am already working on the next chapter!

I just want to say a big thank you to all of you. I love all the support you have all given me as a writer and I appreciate everything you have done! I'm not one of those writers that beg people for likes but if you like this story give it a star and that will surely make my day!

Lately I've had some things going on at school that are not very pleasant. I won't go into details about it but I will just say that it has been a hard week for me. But when I get home and see all the notifications of you guys voting for my story and commenting on it that really cheers me up!

I love each and every one of you and I hope you have a spectacular week!

                        <3 Always

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang