Part 18: Paintball Day

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Okay somehow I switched from 3rd person to Keith's POV but here we go in this train wreck of a start to an arc. But it gets more interesting after dont worry😈

3rd Person:

Keith flew through his window and landed safely on his bedroom floor. He looked up from his crouching pose to see the one person that he hoped not to see that morning. Shiro.

"So, where were you last night Keith?" Shiro looked down on his younger brother with a stern face.

Keith stammered to his feet. "Well last night I went over to Lance's house to help babysit and I kinda fell asleep on the couch..." He scratched the back of his neck hoping that the 200 pound beast would understand.

"Oh okay! That's all I needed to know." Shiro smiled. "I thought you went out to a party or something but I guess I was wrong!" He paused then got really close to Keith's face, putting that serious face back on. "Unless you are lying to me? Because if you are then their will be huge consequences."

"That is literally it. I went over to Lance's and I fell asleep on the couch!" Keith stood his ground.

Shiro's face softened and he backed off. "Thanks for clarifying. Now come down for breakfast before mom gets suspicious."

"Got it." I nodded and placed my slippers on after taking off my muddy converse. After I headed downstairs to see Krolia flipping bacon onto a paper towel to cool.

"Morning Keith!" She called. "I went to your room last night and I didn't see you! I got so worried that someone might have kidnapped you or something!"

"No no mom I just fell asleep at Lances on accident that's all." I put my hands up in defense.

She nodded and placed the plate of bacon on the table along with the other breakfast essentials. There was a spread of bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and orange juice layer out along with placements for 3.

"Sorry guys. I just got super exited when I heard my little boy was coming to visit!" She stood on her tippy toes and attempted to squeeze his cheeks. Unfortunately she was too short and she ended up just jumping up and lightly patting them.

3rd Person

"So Keith." Shiro began. "Have you finished that project I gave you and Lance to do? It's due on Monday."

"Yah, we actually finished it yesterday." Keith replied.

"And how's that Psychology class going? I heard from your friend Lance that you made friends with a girl~" Krolia wiggles her eyebrows trying to be cool.

"Ugh no. If anything she wants me dead."

"Oh if that's the case I can suspend her for harassment." Shiro retorted.

"No no she's not bullying me! She's just jealous that I hang around Lance more than her because she likes him." Keith rubbed his forefinger and thumb in between his eyebrows in frustration. "What day is it again?" He looked up.

"I think Saturday?" Krolia looked at her phone.

"OH QUIZNACK IM GONNA BE LATE!" Keith shoveled the rest of his eggs in his mouth and raced to his room to put his black biker boots on. He also flew his red and white leather jacket on. Safety first eh?

Somebody That I Used To Know (KLANCE BROTP AND VOLTRON SQUAD HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now