The New Kid... Duh Duh Duh! I like ice cream.

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Hi. My name is Harley Quinn. Yes, I am named after the Harley Quinn in Batman. I have Dirty blonde hair that's straight and light brown eyes. My height is about 5'3. I am not telling you my weight. I'm turning 16 on September 9. I don't give a sh*t about what anyone thinks. I have ADHD.

That's everything I want you to know right now. Bye

"Harley! Your gonna be late for school!" yelled Christy. ( My grandma) "Coming!" I looked on the mirror, my side bangs looked nice. My black shirt with a bold white Shut Up in the middle and my white ripped jeans with black boots. I grabbed my white benie and put it on. Perfect.

I ran down stairs and grabbed a balgel. "Thanks" I grumpled. "Now hurry up, your going to be late." Christy said.

I jumped on my neon green bike and petaled torwords Mc. Oakwork Highschool. When I got there I locked my bike and walked inside the school.

"Oh look its Beauty and the beast without the Beauty. " snered Kiley. "Ya! Beast!" followed Lily.

Kiley Star

Queen of the snotty popular girls.

Thinks she's better then everyone else

red hair with blue eyes.

Boys go head over heels for her

She has a new boyfriend every week also she is rude as hell!


Lily Markets

Follows Kiley like a dog.

Really stupid

Dark brown hair with brown eyes

Smells like she came out of a bad perfume shop


"Look in the merrior Clown! Wait you can't cause It always breaks when you do!" I shouted. She glared at me. " At least my parents love me!" she explained. The rest of her crew nodded. My hands started to form fists.

You see my dad and mom broke up when I was really young. My dad said she was crazy, but he still loves her. My dad then started to date Betty. Better is evil! She steals me dads money and buys makeup! My dad works for a cable company! Anyway when I was 12 I desided I didn't want to live with my dad anymore. So I went to live with Christy. I only see my dad once a month.

"You son of a Bi" I started to say but got cut off by Mr. Seam. I didn't know he was there. "Young Ladies! Don't you think you should get to class now?""Yes, Mr. Seam. We should get to class, we don't want you to use your beautiful voice on us." Kiley said. I feel like my voice is beautiful. Stop it! Its just one of Kiley's jokes. He nodded and left. "This isn't over, Beast!" Kiley whispered.

I rolled my eyes and ran to class as the bell rung.

My first class : English. My fav class. I don't know why. But today we are learning Greek mythology.

I sat down in my seat. Miss Fay said "Everyone, listen up! We have a new student with us today." A latino boy walked in the door and ignored the teacher. He plopped down in the seat next to me. He held his hand out and I shook it. "So your the new kid?" I asked. He smiled a smile that totally looks like you should not trust this kid.

"Yep, names Leo. Leo Valdez"

Happily Never After (Leo Valdez)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora