I am not even bothering with a title.

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Harley's POV

Leo beat me! Yes, it is true. The new kid beat me. Those were the thoughts going in my head as I waited for lunch to come. How! Did he beat me? Sure he had all the balls and I wasn't playing attention.

Harley? Earth to Harley” said Leo.

“Huh?" I said as I snapped out of my daze. “Its, Lunch time.” Leo said. I nodded and walked out the door, leaving Leo no choice but to follow me.

I walked to the cafeteria and got in line. “And then he said Are you kitten me! Ha!” said Leo. I made a weak smile. It wasn't that funny.

“Meatball sub please." I told the lunch lady.  “That will be 8.50 please.” I nodded as I gave her the money then I waited for Leo to pay for his lunch.

“So, where do you sit?” asked Leo. I told him “Why do you want to sit by me?” He shrugged. I sighed. I jerked my head towards the direction of my table, motioning him to follow me.

“Who's this?” asked Ari. Leo and I sat down at my table. Leo took his hand out and said “I'm Leo, Bad boy supreme” Ari giggled.

I felt jealousy towards her. Why would I feel that? Its probably nothing.

All the sudden Destiny came running at me, she slammed into me with full force. “Ow!!!” I yell! “Sorry, it just that Nico asked me out!!!” Ari squealed. I gasped. Leo looked confused. I got out of our shock first and asked “And WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?! ” She looked at me like I grown a head. “I sad yes! Dumb Ass!” I smile grew wider.

Ari and I nodded at each other and started singing “Destiny and Nico sitting in a tree K-I-S-S’ Destiny's face turned red as a tomato ‘-I-N-G! First come marriage, then come Love,” “Stop! Stop!” Leo yelled as he covered his ears. Ari and I laughed.

Destiny asked “Who's he?” She pointed to Leo. “Oh, that's Leo.” Ari explained. Oh I should probably tell you who Destiny is.

Destiny Starz

Age 14

Dark brown hair with Amber eyes

Sweet and stubborn

One of my best friends

Our smiles faded as Kailey came over.

“Hi, What's your name?” She asks Leo. He smiles and answered “Leo, and who are you miss?” He takes her hand and kisses it. That's it I lost my only chance, not that I had any.

My anger was growing by the second. She twirls a strand of Leo's Hair and says, “ My name is Kailey, and how about you and me ditch this losers and go sit on my table” Leo looks at me and seemed to get it.

He stands up and told her, “Sorry, but I don't hang out with Bitches” Kailey gasps and storms away. Ari high fives Leo. “You should probably go hang out with her, Leo. She is right we are a bunch of losers” I told him. Leo shook his head, “And risk losing my best friends? No way! Let's make a deal.' I rolled my eyes at him. ‘You guys are losers, I'm a loser too! Let's be losers together!” I smile and him and shake his hand “Deal.”

I updated! Yay! You know if you want to be in this story all you have to do is send me the information and I'll put you in the book!


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