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Harley's POV

I gasp. How, How can he say that. I felt my tears threatening to come out. Ariana smiles and Leo is standing there awkwardly, I take this chance to slowly back away and then brake out into a run. I run out the door while Ari is calling my name, “HARLEY! Harley! Wait up!” But I don't wait, I run out of the school and sprint down the block. Not even bothering to pick up my bike. I wait until I was far away from the school, I let my tears fall. I couldn't keep running, I calapse on the ground and start sobbing.

“Hey, are you okay”, a voice asked. I shake my head and look up. Standing there was Percy, I remember him from the first time I went to Leo's house.

( I don't know if you get it, but its been a few weeks since Harley and Leo met)  He puts him hand out, I grab it and he helps me up. “Harley!!” Yells a familiar voice.

I turn and see Ari and Leo running towards me. I quickly hide behind Percy and whispered to him, “Can you make them go away? I really don't want to speak to them right now.” I see him nod and tells me to stay here. He walks up to him and they seem to have a deep conversation.

They stopped and walk towards me. Percy said, “Well, I'll just go now and you guys can talk it out” He runs away. Leo walks up to me and says, “Look, Harley. I never knew you liked me but-” Ariana starts to look pale“- I have a girlfriend, so I think its best we stay friends” I nod.

A growl comes behind a bush.  we turn slowly. A huge Dog jumps out at us! Ari and I scream. Leo mutters some like Hell hound? Leo then starts shooting fire at it! How did he do that!?! Then things start getting weirder! Nick pops out of nowhere and kills it! I am so confused!

Ari grabs on to me as she blacks out, I feel myself slowly blacking out.

The last thing I see is Leo's eyes staring at me.

Sorry if you didn't understand! Everyone was telling me too update so I did! Basically what happened was Leo told Ari she was cute when she blushes, Harley got sad and ran away from them. Percy found her on the sidewalk crying, Leo told Harley he has a girlfriend. Wait what!?! A hell hound attacks them, Nico kills it. Ari and Harley black out. Bye!!


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