Interview with Leo Valdez!

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~Hey, guys. This is kinda an update. Its a one-shot. K? Breanna is me.


“Hello, everyone. I'm Jake and we're here with Leo Valdez, one of the heroes of the world” A short elf-like Latin teen waves at the camera, “Hello!”

“So, what's it like to be a hero?”

“Cool, I guess. I don't feel anything different, but now all the girls are all over me!” Leo waved his hands around, “After all, all da ladies love Leo!” Leo smiles at the camera and tried to do model faces.  Key word: tried.

Jake chuckles, “Yes, now we have some mail for you.” Leo smiled even more, his nose bursts in flames.

“You.... Um, kinda got something on your nose.” Leo parts in out embarrassedly, while Jake looked uncomfortable.

A man came out with a large bag.

Backstage, Percy whispered to Annabeth, “I had way more then that.” Annabeth rolled her eyes at him and tried to pay attention.

A few more men came out with even lager bags and then, a truck came out a dupped a gigantic amount of letters on Leo. Percy's mouth dropped open. Leo stood up and jumped in the letters in front of him.

Then, he gabbed one randomly and read it, “Dear Leo, I love you. ' Leo chuckles to himself ' “And I love you random person!” 

Backstage, Breanna narrows her eyes and thought, «I'm not good enough?! He loves a random person note then me!!» Piper whispers to her, “He's joking. He loves you more then anyone. I would know, my the daughter of love”. Breanna then smiles.

Leo grabs another one and reads it, “Dear Leo, Why are you dating that trash?! Date me, a hot babe. ” Leo rips that one in little pieces. “NO! I LOVE HER!” He bursts into flames. Jake looks terrified. Lek calms down and says, “Now my girlfriend would sing a song!”

Breanna shyly gets up one stage and sings. ( She has a band)

“Our love runs deep like a Chevy,

If you fall, I fall with you baby.

Cause that's that's the way we like to do it.

We like.

You run around open doors like a gentlemen.

Tell me girl everyday of my everything

Cause that's the way you like to do it.

Just a bit of west coast, bit of sunshine.

=====She's done=========

Jake's angry, cause this wasn't planned. Everyone loved her sing. “Well that's it for the show!”

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