Blah Blah Blah!

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Harley's POV

I felt Ari shake me, I slowly opened my eyes to the surrounds. Was it all a dream?

I was in a movie theater.

“What happened?”, I groggily asked.

“You fell asleep watching the movie.”, Ari answered.

I look around and saw Leo making something one my right side and Ari looking at me with amusement in her eyes. I also noticed that we were the only ones in the movie theater besides a old lady. “I don't remember going to the movies with you guys.” I said. I really don't know how I got here.

Leo looked up from his project and asked, “ Well what do you remember?”

“I remember you telling Ari she's cute when she blushes. ” I could feel the tears coming back. Leo laughs unsettlingly and says, “Sorry, but I never said that.”

Maybe it was all just a dream. “I remember Ari saying we will see If I stay!” I yell. Ariana sighs and whispers to Leo, “Its the fall!”

“Whats the fall?” I asked.


“I know when your lying Ari!”

“Fine! After I said We will see If I stay you jump and clap making you fall backwards and hitting your head.”

“And what happened after that!?!?!”

“You blacked out, Leo and I were scared so we dragged you down to the nurse. She said you were fine and would wake up in a few. Also the nurse said you might forget things in the future, but nothing to out of control. After an hour you woke up claiming you were fine. Then we went to see this movie! The End!”

I smile and hug them. I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning I saw it was the old lady. She asks in a old raspy voice, “Hello dear, do you have any fresh meat?” Leo was getting shaking and said to Ariana and I, “Lets get out of here!” Ari shushed him and whispered to him, “Leo! Stop being rude!”

I told the lady nicely, “Sorry, but we don't have any.” Ari takes Leo away so she could talk to him about manners. I almost laughed at to think of it! Ari teaching manners! As if! The old lady said, “Oh well! Guess you'll have to do!” She starting changing until I was looking at once a old lady was now a gorgen! I gulped and slowing backed away. She or should I say It smiled at me. I drew in a sharp breath. Before I knew it, It lunged at me.

Ohhhh!!!! It was all a dream!?! Hahaha! I tricked you all! I have nothing more to say. Oh! How about a question? First person to get it right earns a free cookie and a bonus chapter! I will to this with all of my chapter for now on. A each winner from each chapter will be in the chapter! The question is What is Leo and Reyna's ship name?

BTW, the questions have nothing to do with the chapters! Hope you win! Good luck!


Happily Never After (Leo Valdez)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora