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Harley's POV

I wake up in a white room with Ari sleeping in a chair next to me. “Ari?” Her head snaps up and yells, “Harl?!?!” I jump back cause she scared the freaking daylights out of me. Ari rushes over to hug me and when she did she said, “Harley! I am so glad you are awake!” I smile weekly and try to sit up.

Key word: Try.

My arms wobbled and I fell back down, this resulting making Ari have a laughing fit.

“HAHAHAHA!” I sigh and see a cup of apple juice, I am thirsting. I tried to sit up again and this time succeeding. I reached for it and after bringing it to me and slowly took a sip. You never know when Ari could put poison in it. Surprisingly it tasted like Carmel delight ice cream. I gulped it up and asked Ari, “So, where are we?”

She stopped laughing by now and said, “First, do you know why I'm happy your awake?” I shake my head. “Well, you owe me 20 bucks!” I scan her face for any humor so if there was I should start laughing, but there wasn't. Ariana Warf look so serious that the president would be scared.

I sigh and asked where we were. She says, “Oh, we are at Camp Half-blood!” I didn't know what that meant and before I could ask her that, some man in a wheel chair came walking through the door. He said, “Oh! I see your awake! Welcome Harley Quinn to Camp Half-Blood!”

I was about to ask how he knew my name, but like reading my thoughts Ari said, “Oh, I gave it to him.” The wheel chair guy motioned me to follow him. I  randomly thought to myself, Hmm, I like apples.


Reyna's POV +Surprise!

I folded my letter and gave it to Lin my pet owl. (Harry Potter thing I put in even through I haven't read or seen the movies and I don't plan doing so!) I told him to deliver it to Piper McLean. After he left, I quickly realized what I had done! I told my feelings about Leo to Piper! The girl who hates me! She will probably to the opposite of what I asked her to do.

I sat down on my bed and prayed to Venus. (I think that's the name of the Roman Aphrodite) Please Please Please

Piper's POV (So many new ones!)

I duck as an owl flew straight towards me. I haven't done anything to upset Athena, have I? The owl flew at me again this time dropping a letter at my feet. I cautiously picked it up and opened it. My mouths drops open as I read the letter. Reyna and Leo????? As I thought about it would make the perfect couple! Leyna would be they're ship name!! I scream like a fan girl in my head.

I ran in my cabin and quickly wrote on a pics of paper.


Reyna! I promise that I would do anything I can to get you two together!



I then whistle and a dove comes to me. Her name is Jay and she is a gift from my mother. I give her the letter and say, “Give this the Reyna at her Camp.” Jay flies away.

Happily Never After (Leo Valdez)Where stories live. Discover now