sick sick sick

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Ya, I am sick. I caught a cold, but I am going to write a chapter! Sorry for the wait!

Piper's POV

I sneak to the Heatie (I can't spell) building. When I got inside I said, “Where'a Lue?” Her brothers and sisters point to her bedroom. I walk inside and see her.

She reading. Then she notices me and said, “Piper, what do you want?” I use my charmspeak and say, ”Give me a love poiton” She hands it to me. Then I say, “Forget this happened” I left.

Running, I go to the pavilion. I pour it into Leo's drink with a hair of Reyna. (No one was there). The I went to my table and waited for breakfast to start.

Leo's POV

I laugh with my table and drink some of my coke. Man, was I thirsty. I drank the whole thing! “Wow! Man!” Some one said.

I ate my chicken, but then felt dizzy. Like really dizzy.

“You okay?” asked Nyssa. I shook my head before I threw up on her. I felt like I was dying! I had a poundind headache, I felt like my stomach was exploding, and my vision was blurry! I looked at Nyssa -from what I could see of her- and got a word out, “Help.” Then I blacked out into nothing.

Harley's POV

I waited anxiously for Leo. I was scared! What's going to happen! Breanna, a Apollo child, was working on him. She said he didn't look good. WHATS GOING ON!!!! !    !!!!!

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