Chapter 1 - The End of the Dream (Part 1)

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"The surface isn't what most monsters thought it would be. But that much I already knew. Many years have passed since the Great War, and to my father the world he knew is gone, as well as the dreaded thoughts of the humans that both took his freedom and my life once."
"The thing is, I never really was dead. At least, not entirely. A great part of my soul was dormant, silenced by the voice of Death like the sun disappearing far in the horizon and letting the darkness of the night as the light dies down. But soon... the sun returns to illuminate our life again. Heh, look at me. Getting all philosophical here... I wish life was this easy. Like the sun set and the sunrise."

"I wonder what would have happened if Frisk hadn't come... Well, for starters I'd still be 'dead', and that means the Barrier would still be standing. A thought that scares the hell out of me for some reason. But thankfully... they were there to save us. Proves that humans aren't all that bad. Or does it?"

"The general human being has a lot of bad qualities, such as greed. They crave for more money, objects or people to own... But above all: Power. My kind cannot fully understand what is so enticing about 'Power'. The feeling of being stronger than one another and use that to do what you want. But I do. And believe me, I hate it. So does my father."
"We monsters aren't as power-hungry as humans are. Yet again, we aren't like them. We are different but at the same time, we are equal. But humans seem to despise different people from their own. Hell, they even despise other humans for having a different skin colour which, by the way, disgusts me."
"At least I know there are humans who are good people and try to be as well. But hav-"

The young adult goatling halted his thoughts as he hears his bedroom door opening. His friend Undyne, a humanoid fish who was around his age entered with the biggest yet kindest grin of the world, which always made Asriel at the very least smile

Undyne: " 'Sup horn head?!" she greeted the young prince, leaning on his back and pulling him into a warm hug which was normal from her. It was usually deadly painful due to her brutal strength but Asriel would always survive it, despite having his back hurting for about ten minutes after

Asriel replied to her with an awkwardly painful smile

Asriel: "Heh, nothing at all... Aside from observing the city... Quite a view from the window"
He said, while doing his best to break free from the brutal hug, and move away from the said window he was leaning on.

Undyne: "Tch, you're such a bum. Anyway, 'Pops told me to tell you to head downstairs. Dinner's on the table soon so you better hurry your fluffy butt down before Toriel drags you down by the ear!"

Asriel sighed. Since she was spending the night at his home, it would mean they'd be watching a movie that night. And by movie, it would also mean she'd get to choose. And to his misfortune, she would pick the very same movie she had been talking about for weeks

Undyne: "Fine then... Just hope you got popcorn this time... And we'll watch that Die hard thingy movie again..."

Undyne laughed at him, bumping his arm with her elbow

Undyne: "No worries Az! We're watching a new movie today!"
She says with her usual big grin before she trotted out of the room yelling about how she was so hungry she could eat 5 horses in one go, while still having space for 20 more

Asriel smiled as she left the room and walked towards the door

"But having friends like these really keeps you going, no matter what comes your way"

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