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Requested by Myrto15

Scenario : you have a heart condition and finally decided to tell your friends, you're worried of their reactions.



Breathing in and out, you soothed out the nervousness lurking in your heart. You're scared. Why?

You were about to finally tell everyone that you have a heart condition. One reaction that you're most scared of is Sinbad.

Biting your lip in anticipation, you fiddled with your fingers, contemplating whether to open the doors to the commons area where everyone was seated.

What if they kick you out because they find you weak!? What if they decided to kill you? Reject you and leave you to die!? Hate you forever!?

Thoughts kept racing through your mind, your nervousness trailing back to you. Do you want to tell them? Maybe another day?

You needed to calm down... Get it over with... If they reject you, it'll be okay, right? No it wouldn't be okay. You'll be alone again... You've always hated being alone. Not having friends nor family. But this is the time, you had to tell them. You can't lie forever.

Closing your eyes, you opened then again to push the door in front of you open. It's to late to back down.

Everyone's eyes shifted to your form, as you entered the room. They smiled at your figure but you knew they'd no longer smile once they know the truth.

"I'd like to say something to all of you... That's I've been hiding for a long time now..."

They're smile faltered, ushering you to sit down. You're nervous...

"I- I've been hiding something very important from you guys and I need to come out and you speak to you about it..."

You lifted your head from the ground seeing them telling you to continue.

"If- if you guys listen... Please don't hate me for this..." They all shook their head, Sinbad speaking up.

"Why would we hate you?"

Here goes nothing... Prepare yourself...

"Well the start off, the main point. I have a heart condition... And I was scared you would all leave me because you'd think I'm weak for having such a terrible condition that might not even last me a day to a year... I don't know when I may die, but I want you all-"

A warm and tight body enveloped you, many more joining.

"Y/n we could never hate you! Even if you have a heart condition... Even if you may die, you'll never be forgotten or hated or left behind... You're family to us. And family never leave each other, ever" Yamaraiha speaks as her arms wrap tightly around your form.

You felt the tears rush down your cheeks, sobbing emitting from your lips. You're happy now. Happy you weren't left alone, happy they didn't hate you. Happy they loved you.

"Don't cry!"

They all pulled away, all shouting at each other to try to fix this. Sinbad chuckled, you wiping the tears to laugh with him. You're happy... Happy to be here.

A/N : i know i know, it's not really a sinbad x reader. But I'm just eeekkk I hate my books and I literally can't go back to them and change everything without making myself delete it on impulse so I just left it the way it was 3 years ago.sorry :(

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