Chapter 29: In Harmony

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Chapter 29 <> In Harmony

It was the eve of Christmas Eve when CJ awoke early the next morning, having gained a few restless hours of sleep thanks to Cheryl

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It was the eve of Christmas Eve when CJ awoke early the next morning, having gained a few restless hours of sleep thanks to Cheryl. As he slowly rolled out of bed - doing his best to avoid waking her - he began focusing on his plans for the day, certain that there was absolutely no point in trying to get anymore sleep. The phone on the nightstand (that CJ had heartbreakingly forgotten to plug in to charge) claimed that it had just turned seven o'clock, so he quietly began getting ready to head out.

It was completely fair to say that CJ was not a shopper, and that along with laziness meant that there was barely any food in the fridge. The intention was to pick up something for the two of them before Cheryl woke, but CJ also contemplated whether or not to drop by a certain trailer park on the way. He had in no way forgotten the words he had heard before taking a hit to the back of the head and was deeply curious about what Jughead had done in order to warrant the burial of his brother.

After checking to see if Cheryl was still asleep, CJ silently snuck out of the apartment in blue jeans and a grey shirt, topped off with his main Ghoulie affiliated studded denim jacket (in black, of course). He began driving once he'd thrown both his wallet and phone across onto the passenger seat, and could feel his annoyance brewing as he drove, prompting him to put on the car's stereo in an attempt to cool off.

When CJ arrived at his first destination, he bolted out of the car and stormed angrily inside FP's trailer to find both father and son silently eating cereal. As the door slammed, the two looked up in alarm to see a stewing CJ glaring sharply down at Jughead.

"What the fuck did you do?" CJ growled furiously, lifting Jughead from the seat by the front of his pyjama shirt before FP could stop it.


"Don't even try to fucking lie to me, Forsythe!" He hissed as the grip on the shirt tightened. "Who've you been cutting? When?"

"How do you know about that?" FP asked cautiously, standing so that he could break up any altercations if necessary. CJ ignored the question, keeping his focus and attention solely on his brother.

"Whatever you did got me buried alive by the Black Hood." CJ stated. "Now tell me what you did before I get seriously pissed off, alright?"

"I cut off a Serpent tattoo." Jughead muttered. "It was Penny Peabody's - the snake charmer."

"The snake charmer?" CJ questioned. His tense glare loosened up slightly and a dark grin grew gradually on his face. "You could've just said you were havin' some problems with her, I'd have had the Ghoulies sweep her under the rug no problem. I always hated that smug bitch."

"The Ghoulies all got locked up after the race." Jughead said, frowning in confusion. "There aren't any left apart from you."

"Aren't there?" CJ asked, leaving the answer up in the air. FP tensed up even further, feeling his shoulders stick in place as he thought about what his eldest child was doing with his life.

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