Chapter 49: The Nineties

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Sorry to start on a sour note but apparently one rant wasn't enough... (throwback to chapter 23). I'm also currently having major issues with the loading of reader view, so I haven't been able to preview this chapter:/ if anyone knows a fix that isn't deleting the app and the like since I've already tried that, I'm honestly all ears.

Chapter 49 <> The Nineties

Chapter 49 <> The Nineties

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Midge Klump was dead. The Black Hood was back. CJ Jones was drunk-

*Record scratch*

Freeze frame... of: CJ being held up by a frustrated Sabrina Spellman while he searched his pockets for the key to his apartment.

Yes, that's CJ Jones. And you're probably wondering how he ended up in this situation.

Well, allow me to explain.

CJ had been at the club at the time. The news was incredibly fresh; gossip in Riverdale could never and would never be contained. Adam, having heard of the events at the Riverdale High musical opening through one of his guys, had immediately felt the need to share the news with his boss simply due to his knowledge of the fateful burial.

To say that CJ's expression had dropped below rock bottom would be the understatement of the century. Although not as deep in the Black Hood mess as his Northside peers, he had still managed to gain a firsthand experience with the notorious killer. It seemed to have all been put to rest what felt like years ago, however it appeared the criminal had gotten one over on the residents of Riverdale with a surprise return.

Though he hated to admit it, CJ's first reaction upon hearing the news from Adam was frozen panic. Then, after a brief loss of oxygen due to the ability to breathe being feverishly snatched from his lungs, he turned to the Ho Zone's bar and began knocking back drinks for the remainder of the night. It was fair to say that Adam was in no way equipped to handle the situation; he slipped away after a couple of drinks and left with one of the working girls after paying a small fee, leaving poor Sabrina to clean up the mess he had left behind.

She had noticed her boss slumped over the bar during one of her final routines of the night. Naturally, Sabrina was worried he'd passed out and jogged over to check on him once the number came to an end. After dodging multiple handsy men that had been hoping to goad her into going home with them for the night, she managed to scoop her tall boss up from the bar and onto his unsupportive feet. Getting him back to his apartment was an incredible palaver... and just as a cherry on top, CJ couldn't find his keys.

"God..." He groaned drunkenly, falling up against the front door. "Why is..." He whined, looking almost childish to his companion. "Why is... where... I don't understand. Spellman, why am I like this?"

"Like what?" Sabrina questioned with a laugh, playing along with his ramblings as she began searching the pockets of his denim jacket for the missing keys.

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