Chapter 44: Unexpected Intruder

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Chapter 44 <> Unexpected Intruder

Periods of brief radio silence from Cheryl Blossom had never been an incredibly foreign concept

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Periods of brief radio silence from Cheryl Blossom had never been an incredibly foreign concept. In fact, CJ found relief in not having the expectation to be able to talk every hour of every day; the two lived vastly different lives with varying ranges of commitments, making the time they were able to spend together in peace so much more special. Their relaxing dynamic was the reason why CJ was currently sat behind his desk at the Ho Zone with his feet propped up on the wood, not worrying about Cheryl's current whereabouts any more than usual.

Although the grim grey skies and cutting chill of the accompanying winds had created somewhat of yet another ominous sense of foreboding over the town of Riverdale, CJ had seen absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Running a club as well as gang business could never have been considered the key to a peaceful life but looking back, he knew he should've seen the many warning signs the universe sent his way that day, as the calm before the inevitable storm is always the fastest to be viciously tainted.

A sudden burst of raucous noise from within the club was the first legitimate indication that something was awry. Rolling his eyes at the sudden disturbance, CJ grabbed his handgun and studded leather jacket, shrugging the latter on over his worn khaki t-shirt as he exited the solitude of his office. The club was still closed to patrons due to it being late afternoon, so it was a slight surprise to be met with the view of so many Ghoulies and girls crowding around in a deformed circle, all bickering and yelling creative profanities over an unintelligible issue.

"Hey!" CJ shouted, only gaining the attention of a few stragglers as he neared the chaos. "Hey!" He clapped twice above his head, but only earned the sheepish acknowledgement from a couple of the girls. "HEY, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The echoing bellow silenced the entire club within seconds and Sabrina, who was standing just a few feet away from her boss, had admittedly never witnessed such a noise diminish so rapidly. "The hell's going on in here?!" CJ ground out furiously, shoving his way through the group to direct the question towards Adam.

"Uh," Adam started, gulping deeply as CJ pushed past more people. When he reached the middle of the crowd he couldn't help but glare harshly at the source of the problem:

Toni Topaz.

"Explain." CJ demanded bluntly, averting his gaze from the blasphemous Serpent jacket. Toni was smart enough to understand that the query hadn't been directed her way and therefore remained silent; although she was confident mouthing off to CJ, doing so in a haunted house was much more dangerous than piping up while in a reptile den.

"Some of the guys picked her up down the street," The blonde answered. "She was flying her flag loud and proud, even asking randoms about where she could find you."

"That right?" CJ asked, remaining utterly stoic with the exclusion of a curious eyebrow twitch. "You cause a massive Ghoulie riot 'cause you were bored or...?"

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