Friends Don't

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Albert's POV

"No way!! Micheal is WAY better then Dwight!!" I yelled at Lana, both of us crying from laughing so hard. This was the third night in a row we stayed up to midnight binge watching The Office and laughing our heads off.

"Whatever; Dwight's hilarious!!" She snapped back, wiping the the tears off her cheeks, both our faces a dark red.

"So is Micheal!!" I defended. It's been about a month since we broke up. It was awkward at first, but now she seemed like my best friend!

"Lies!!" She yelled, us slowly calming our laughter. I looked over at the coffee table when I saw my phone light up. The device was set in the middle of a large bowl of popcorn and a can of Dr. Pepper. I picked it up, quickly pressing the green accept button, still giving a toothy grin like the weirdo I am.

"Hey, Albert!!" His giddy voice rang from the phone. I giggled, putting the SAMSUNG up to my ear.

"Hey, Jake! What's up?!" I asked. Lana picked the remote up and paused the show. She grabbed the bowl of popcorn, shoving a handful of it into her mouth.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say hey! I'm really bored." He said with a random chuckle.

"Oh, okay? Well me and Lana are in the middle of something." I told him, continuing to smiling like crazy.

"Oh, sorry! Do I need to let you go?" He asked in a sweet tone. He knew me and Lana weren't a couple anymore, and he also knew we were still like best friends, and I love it like that.

"Uh... you probably should. I'll call you back when we finish what we're doing." I promised. I didn't want to tell him that I was blowing him off to watch television since I figured he might get a little mad about it.

"Oh, okay. I'll talk to you later." He hung up as I set my phone back onto the coffee table. I took a piece of popcorn from the bowl and turned to face Lana, feeling her eyes on me.

"What?" I asked her, wondering why she wasn't playing the show. She had a serious and smart allic look on her face as her chocolate brown eyes stayed glued to mine.

"You know what's going on here... right?" She asked quietly, taking a sip from her Coke can.

"What... what do you mean?" I asked her, confused. She groaned loudly, leaning her head back. She rested the can in between her thighs before turning back to face me.

"Ever since the day we broke up, he's been calling you. Friend's don't call you in the middle of the night and can't even say they have something to tell you!! He likes you!!" She rang, sounding giddy for me. I could feel my face heating up, my eyes widening slightly.

"W-what?! No!!" I defended. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked off to the side, trying to hide my blush from her view.

"Dude, yes he does!! Ask him if you don't believe me..." She told in a cocky tone, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Fine!!" I grabbed my phone off the table and turned it on. Since he was the last person I talked to, his contact was already on the screen. I took in a deep breath, hesitating before pressing the call button and quickly pushing the device against my ear. It only chimmed twice before his sweet voice rang through the phone.

"H-Hello?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Hey, Jakey!! I have a question..." I mumbled, flashing Lana an uncertain look. She rolled her eyes and nudged my shoulders, smiling.

"Mhm... what is it?" He sounded like he was tired, yet like he didn't wanna sleep. Then again, he might be editing a video or something...?

"I, uh... I... d-do you, uh... have a crush on me?!" I blurted out, feeling my cheeks burning with blush. I could hear his breath hitch in his throat before he let out a shaky exhale.

"I, uh... no!! Why....?" He asked. My eyes widened as I bit down on my lip. His words and his tone wasn't cooperating, and it was obvious what he just said was a lie. Lana was right... Jake has a crush on me!!

"I, uh... no reason!!" I yelled, pulling the phone away from my face and quickly pressing the hangup button. My face was covered in a dark red, my hands trembling slightly.

"Told you..." Lana mumbled through a mouth full of popcorn. I passed her a glare, my heart racing slightly. Jake likes me... my best friend likes me... oh god!! This was gonna end up a mess. But who knows... it may be the best mess of our lives...

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