Feeris Wheel

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It was fair night! And after four months of saving up, I had about five hundred dollars I was ready to blow on rip-off games and over priced food!

It was me and a few of the people that go to my school. I would call them friends, but they felt more like siblings then friends. Not because we were close, but because I felt like I was forced to be with them 24/7 and when one of us were in trouble, we all were. There was me, Addy, Mia, Emma Grace, Todd, and then Jake. At the moment Addy was driving with Mia at her side, Emma Grace was with Todd in the middle seats making out, and me and Jake were in the back.

Me and Jake, along with everyone else in the car, know we liked each other. But Jake being the big dumb-dumb he is was trying his hardest to deny his sexuality, which really frustrated me. But whatever!

"Jakey~ can I have a kiss...?" I teased with a smile, instantly seeing his face turn into a deep red.

"Stop!" Jake said, quickly looking out the window. I smiled and unbuckled, laying down on my side and laying my head down on his lap. He looked really cute today! He had on a pair of black and torn jeans and a tight, light grey tanktop.

"Please, Jakey~? The radio is on and nobody is gonna hear us over sound of Grace and Todd sucking off one-anothers faces!" I whined, his face still dark red.

"Albert, no!" He said, causing me to huff.

"Is that all you know how to say?!" I mumbled before giving off a devious smirk. "Well then let's try something else..." I said, getting down on my knees on the ground. His eyes widened and he scooted back.

"Albert..." He lowly mumbled in a warning tone.

"Yes...?" I asked back, gently tugging at his pants leg.

"If I won't k-kiss you, what makes you think I'm going to let you give me a blow job?!" He squealed, causing me to giggle. "And aren't you supposed to be the super submissive one?!"

"How am I supposed to submit to somebody that won't dominate me?!" I whined. "Please let me do a little to you... I just wanna drive you mad for me!" I argued. He took my arm and lifted me off the floor and back onto the seat.

"Well mentally, you're succeeding..." He mumbled, sounding annoyed. I sighed and moved off the middle seat to the one furthest away from him, setting my chin on my palm and my elbow on the window pan, which was down and blowing my hair around.

Just like any car with a bunch of teenagers in it, we had all the windows down with the music blaring, it being to the point where we could hardly even hear each other.

I hesitatingly glanced over at Jake to see him still gazing out the window with a deadpan look on his face.

Sighing, I stood up and climbed over the seats to the middle row, causing Todd and Emma to stop practically dry fucking each other and them to look at me. I exchanged looked from the two of them before pouting my lip and giving them puppy eyes.

"What's wrong...?" Todd asked me. I smirked faintly before dramatically sliding down the seat to where my back was against the bottom cushion and my legs were against the floorboard.

"Jake won't pay me any attention..." I complained, making my voice just loud enough for them to hear me but too quiet for Jake to hear over the loud music.

I saw Emma's eyes light up. "Ooh, relationships!" She squealed and clapped her hands together.

I sat back up when the car stopped, looking out the window to see Addy had parked and the fair was a few feet away! I opened the door and stood up, Todd following and Emma Grace following him before she put the seat down for Jake. Addy and Mia were already at the fence, and Jake and Todd were racing each other to see who could get there first, so me and Emma stayed behind.

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