Lockers (Part 3)

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Jake yelped out and I quickly covered my eyes when the man raised a hand and brought it down on Jake~ hard...

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" The man yelled. I hesitantly opened my eyes and slowly stood to my feet, basically cowering behind Jake. Though he wasn't the toughest, he was more then I was. Plus I am too much of a chicken to protect myself, anyways.

"What do you mean 'What is wrong with me?! You're the one to blame here!" Jacob argued, one hand holding his cheek and the other reached behind him, gently grabbing onto my shakey hand and holding it against his back.

"You're right, Jacob. I am the one to blame. And I blame myself for raising a pussy instead of the man you were supposed to be!" His dad yelled, taking in a deep breath and clenching his hands into fists. "I want you out of this house in ten minutes; no longer! Go up to your room and pack your shit and get out!" The man yelled. "And you can forget everything I promised for you; forget about your college being paid for, forget about that house I was saving up for you, and never expect to come to me asking for anything ever again!"

I immediately saw Jake's fearless expression disappear and his face go pale. "W-What?! You can't do that!" He quickly said.

"Go pack and get out! Now!" Was all his dad said before stomping to his bedroom door. "And if you're still here when I get out of the shower, I'm getting the shotgun..." The man growled, slamming the door shut behind him.

Me and Jake sat in shaky breathes for what felt like eternity before he finally turned around and pulled me close, his arms around me and almost shielding me. "Are you o-okay...?" He asked me in a quiet tone.

I hesitated and nodded, ignoring the bruises on my body and looking into Jacob's eyes. "Are you?" I mumbled quietly. He gulped softly and nodded, though that was an obvious lie. He had tears in the bridge of his eyes and his whole body was shaking.

"Jake... don't cry~ please don't cry! Go pack your things, and then come home with me..." I said, seeing his mood instantly go from worried to even more worried.

"I can't do that, Albert... I can't..." he almost whispered.

"Please just go pack and meet me in the car. We can figure out the rest later. You can stay with me for a few days~ my parents will be out of town for a whole week! During that time we can talk, and worst-comes-to-worst, you sleep in my car. Fuck, we're sleeping in my car! We'll get some pillows and blankets and stuffies and, damn, we can make a fucking visco hangout if you want! I just want you to know i you're safe. From now on, it's me and you... please!" I begged. I couldn't bare to think that he, or any human being, was living on the streets. "Just go pack. We'll talk later." I had almost demanded, pushing Jake off of me. "And hurry..."


Me and Jake had been at my house for about three hours. We made dinner, each took showers, and watched a movie to get Jacob's mind off of things. We were now laying in my bed, me resting my head on Jake's chest as he gently ran his fingers through my hair. Most of the time I was just listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat, but occasionally we'd have a quick chat about... anything.

"Albert..." He mumbled quietly. I let out a breath of air, keeping my eyes closed and, quite obviously, being exhausted.

"Hmm...?" Was all I hummed out, one arm around Jake's waist and the other my head, separating my and the males bare chest.

"What should I do now...?" He quietly asked me. I slowly looked up at him after opening my eyes and sighed gently.

"Don't worry about that, now. We can worry about that tomorrow, but for now I just want you to get a goodnights sleep..." I said, scooting up so that my face was against his neck and our chests were closer.

"But, Al~"

"But, Albert nothing. Go to sleep! We can both skip school tomorrow and I can make us a good breakfast and then we can brainstorm ideas for what you're gonna do, but until then I want you to rest. And I don't mean sleep for five minutes and stress for the rest of the night. I mean go to sleep and dream a great dream and then wake up and eat a healthy breakfast and have a great day!" I said, hearing his snicker.

"Okay, mom..." He said playfully. I couldn't help but to smile when he kissed the top of my head, his fingers still slowly and calmingly running through my hair.

"Oh, don't be so hateful, dweeb..." I mumbled, half out of it. I was gently cuddling his side, enjoying the moment we were sharing.

"I will stop being hateful when you stop being so cute." He hummed with a soft smirk, placing his free arm around my waist. I smiled warmly and leaned over, connecting me and Jakes's lips. He hesitated a moment before kissing me back, though gently and almost... passionately. It wasn't long before Jake's lips were down to my icy neck, his hands gently gripping my hips.

And you know how that goes...

Before I knew it I was on my back under Jake's body with his lips against my own; both of us leaving our clothes scattered on the floor with warm and careless moans escaping our lips. Our bodies pressed together and our hands all-over one another. It felt as if this tension and, almost, need for one another was something we have been missing our wholes lives! Hell, even if we are just dumb, horny teenagers... what if this could be something more? Something... amazing...? Who knows; guess we'll just have to see...


Part 4?!?! 💖💖

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