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"If you could see that I'm the one who understands you- been here all along so why can't you~"

"Al, calm down..." Jake said with a laugh, cutting off my loud and obnoxious singing. "I've never taken you for the kind to jam out to Taylor Swift." He snickered, me simply rolling my eyes as I reached over and turned the radio up. I quickly went back to randomly 'dancing' and screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs, only for that idiot to turn the radio down again.

"Jake, stop it!" I whined, him holding down the volume button so I couldn't turn the sound up again.

"But we're almost home. And we don't need our neighbors knowing just how gay you are yet." He said, me whining when he basically slammed on the brakes. I quickly pushed my hair out of his face and looked up at Jake, then the road, then back at my lover.

"What the fuck; why did you do that?!" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest. He paused and gave a smirk, a deep glistening in his eyes as he looked at me, my cheeks unintentionally glowing with blush. "What's that look for, dork?!" I asked, though I honestly really loved when he gave mysterious looks.

"Do we still have those eggs that your dad gave us last week?" He asked, a confusing look in his eyes.

"Uhm, yeah... why?" I hesitantly asked, knowing he was probably up to no good.

"Just get ready to leave the house by ten tonight." He told. I gasped and grabbed onto the handle when he suddently began to drive again.

What the fuck...?


"Jake... I really don't like this idea..." I quietly whispered, both of us standing on the sidewalk in the dark with black clothes and three cartoons of eggs.

"Don't be a baby, Albert. Just pick up an egg and throw it!" He said. I watched as he did the actions as he spoke, my eyes widening as the egg cracked onto our neighbors house.

"Jakey, I~" He cut me off by gently placing a finger over my lips.

"Babe, think about all the times they called you a fagot or said any form of degrading things to you. We aren't doing anything wrong! It's simply called karma..." he told, slowly taking his hand away from my face. I gave an uncertain look bedore I picked up an egg and set the other cartoons onto the sidewalk. I took in a deep breath and threw the egg, my heart almost immediatly leaping with adrenaline when I heard it crack against the house.

Jake let out a quiet gasp before he laughed. "I love you!" He said and quickly grabbed one of the cartoons and began to throw the eggs violently at the house. I giggled, about to pick up another box before I got blinded by a light, quickly shielding my eyes.

"Hey, what the~"

"Run!" Jake yelled and grabbed my arm, taking off and basically dragging me behind him, my small body almost tripping over my own feet numerous times before I caught my balance and began to run behind my lover, looking back to see our neighbor standing outside of his egg-covered house with his phone to his ear.

"J-Jake, I think he's calling the cops!" I said with a whimper, quickly looking back at where I was running and hearing the sounds of out feet slamming against the pavement violently.

"He wouldn't, h-he's too much of a p-pussy to do that!" Jake yelled back, finally letting my arm go and us both ceasing our running, breathing heavily.

No longer then five minutes had passed before we watched as three cop cars darted past us down the road... stopping right in front of our neighbors house.

"Jake..." I nervously mumbled as I reached over and grabbed his hand, nervousness clearly in my voice.

"Yeah, Albert...?" He mumbled back, both of us staring as the cops got out of the cars, two going to the door and knocking, and the others already investigating.

"We're fucked... aren't we...?" I quietly asked, hesitantly looking at my boyfriend. He simply nodded, slowly looking back down at me.

"Majorly. But we can go to jail together." He said, a small smirk replacing his nervous expression. Almost instantly I smiled, feeling safe in his comfortable and calm embrace.

"Duh!" I said and held my pinky up. "Pinky promise!!" I said with a giggle, him crossing our fingers.

"I promise!" He said, kissing my temple and looking back at our house. "But we should still go change and look normal so we can try to lie our way outa' this." He said, me nodding before I looked up at him.

"Race ya'!" I yelled before we both began to bolt towards our house, snickering and laughing the whole way there.


Hey, guys!! Here is a small update!! It isn't a request but just an idea I had. ☺️
Hope y'all enjoyed!!

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