Not A Story

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Hey, guys!! I know that this is a kind of sad thing to publish, but I am out of ideas. lol. If you have any requests, please leave them in the comments. I promise I'll do each and every one of you guys' requests!!!! Anything at all!!!! It can be anything from BDSM to double penetration to something as simple as cuddling or fluff. So leave your requests down on the comment session and thank you all so much for all my fans!!!!!! I love each and every one of you. Also, I have some news. Recently, I got into contact with one of my readers and have even started a relationship with her. Her name is Maisey and she makes me SOOOO happy, so I'll be doing less depressing stories and more happy and smutty ones, do you guys can thank her for the mood swings. 😅👌🏻

Anyways, leave your requests in the comment section and have a great day (or night)!!!!!

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