Couch Cushions

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This is a darling request made by @UriellyHot_
Please enjoy!! (Ps, I REALLY like your username. Lol)

I slid down my hands onto my stomach on the couch, groaning loudly as I saw Jake glance at me before quickly going back to his phone. "What's up?" He asked after I groaned loudly again.

"Jakey~ I want your cock inside of me...!" I mumbled, watching a deep blush quickly spread across his face.

"Albert, no!" He told, quickly looking off to the side and away from me. "That was a one time thing, and you told me that you understood that...!" He said, still being overwhelmed with embarrassment. I smirked as I looked him up and down. He really is such a cutie...

"I do understand that, but I want you! Please~?!" I begged, crawling onto his lap and managing to get my legs at both of his sides. "I have tried to forget all of my thoughts about shit like this... but you're too good for me to just forget! Fuck; just the thought of you makes me hot..." I mumbled lewdly as I brushed my lips against the hand he had iced to cover his lips. If possible, I saw his cheeks beginning to glow even brighter with the dark red covering his face.

"Albert, n-no!" He squeaked out, causing me to groan in frustration. Him of all people knows that you can't be kissing on and having sex with somebody one day and then expect everything to go back to normal the next! Yet that's what he's trying to get me to do?!

"Why not?" I asked, my frustration obviously noticeable in my tone. I wrapped my arms around his neck quickly and pulled him closer to me, him being on edge- even more then his paranoid self normally is.

"Because we were drunk and I didn't know how to tell you no then. But now I do- so no!" He said with a small huff, slowly moving his hand away from his mouth. I whined in annoyance, pressing our chests together.

"Well we have some beer and vodka in the kitchen~ would you like to not be able to tell me no again?" I asked in a lewd tone. I saw him glance at me and kinda roll his eyes.

"No, Al~ I don't." He said, gently grabbing my waist and pushing me onto the cushion beside him. I whined in neediness, huffing and crossing my arms over my chest. "You're acting like a kid." He said with a small chuckle before standing up. "Now get over the fact and go masterbate in your room if you're that needy." He said before walking to the kitchen.

I gave a low growl and lied down on my side. "You better be in there to get drunk!" I said before rolling over onto my other side so that my back was facing the world.

After a short five minutes of silence, I heard Jake's footsteps come up behind me before the couch dipping beside me. I let out a breath of air before turning and looking up at him. "What do you want, loser?" I taunted him as I sat up, resting on my elbows. "Are you just here to tease me again? Or is it~" Jake rolled his eyes before harshly smashing his lips onto mine. I felt my cheeks and nose burn with a light brush, though I instantly began to kiss the boy back.

It didn't take long for Jake to put his hands on my hips and turn so that he was on his knees in front of me, pushing me down onto my back on the couch and with the older boy looming over me. He kept our lips together and used one hand to hold him up, the other hand slowly trailing down my side. I closed my eyes after a moment and put my arms back around his neck, weighing him down a slight bit.

I spread my legs and moved them to his sides as he had begun to undo my pants button and zipper. As if it was destined to happen, I heard the front door open. I quickly opened my eyes and pushed Jake off of me, quickly standing up and redoing my button as Ally's voice echoed off the walls.

"Hey, guys! We're home!" She said, Kirsten's happy giggle following. I glanced over at Jake, quickly fixing his hair back to normal. He glanced up and checked my hair, but it was always messy so I don't know what he was checking for?

"Awesome!" My voice called back to her.

"Are you boys ready to head out to dinner?" My girlfriend asked as I turned and walked to the balcony, looking down at them as they looked through the bags they had with them- which was about nine.

"Uhm... yeah." Jake said, walking to my side. I took in a breath of annoyance before walking down the stairs, softly grabbing Kirsten's hand and leading her to the car.


"Hi, may I take your order today?" The waitress asked as she stood beside our table.

"I just want a cheeseburger, fries, and a Pepsi." I told, glancing up at Jake. He was sitting beside me and the girls were sitting on the other side of the table, talking away about... I don't know? Something.

"I'd like a taco with a Dr Pepper!" Jake told, sounding a bit too excited for a simple taco. She nodded and smiled at us before the girls began to order. I unintentionally leaned against the boys side, him making sure nobody could see what they were doing before he gently placed a hand on my thigh, squeezing it. I bit my lip gently, watching as our waitress left to get our food.

Jake leaned down and lifted a hand to cover the side of my ear, making sure the girls couldn't hear him. "When we get home, I promise to finish what we started earlier." He told, bitting down on my earlobe before he pulled away and took his hand away from my ear. I let a light blush speckle my cheeks and smirked, nodding in response before I quickly looked away and over at Kirsten. I sighed softly and set my chin on the table, frowning a slight bit as I looked at the gorgeous girl in front of me.

Oh boy... this was gonna be interesting...

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