Swimming With Your Annoying Self!

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I was laying on my back in the warm sand, the blazing sun shining down on my pale skin. "You're so boring..." Jake taunted me.

"Shut up and go talk to the fishies." I replied, glancing over at him with a smile. I had my white and black T-shirt beside me in the sand, being only in my swim trunks with a pair of sunglasses rested on top of my head.

"But I wanna swim with you~!" He whined.

"Yeah, come on, Al!" Jake's friend, Dylan, joined in. Both of them were in the water, simply just floating around and splashing each other.

"But I don't wanna get my hair wet!" I mumbled, slowly sitting up. I took the sunglasses off my head and placed them on top of my shirt, my poofy hair kinda everywhere.

"Why? It's already a mess. Just get in!" Jake whined, reaching up and softly grabbing my leg. "Please...?!" He begged, softly tugging at it.

I sighed deeply, rolling my eyes. "You pulling me isn't gonna help your cause." I said, pulling my leg away from him and standing up.

"Dude, don't annoy him; he'll dump you in a heart beat. He deserves better!" Dylan sarcastically yelled with a laugh. I smiled, sighing as I took a few steps into the cold water.

Dylan introduced us to this place. It was in the middle of the woods, and I doubt anybody else even knew the small pool was here! The water was as clear as glass and the fish were fat and healthy. There was a stack of rocks on the other side of the swimming hole that caused there to be a small waterfall. And, of course, there were sand banks scattered around.

I shook once I got about waist deep in the water, it being rather cold. "F-Fuck, you didn't warn me this was so cold...!" I mumbled to Jake. Before he could even think of a comeback I ended up yelping loudly, feeling water completely cover my body. I closed my eyes and mouth as I swam to the surface, paying heavily. "What the hell, Jake!" I snapped, him swimming up beside me and laughing. "Why'd you tackle me...?!" I whined loudly, my hazel mess of hair in my face.

"Cause' it was funny!" Jake commented, hugging me from behind. I rolled my eyes and groaned, pushing him away from me.

"Oh, shut it and leave me alone!" I barked, shaking as I swam back over to the sandbank.

"Oh snap! You've done it now!" Dylan mumbled to Jake. I groaned, shaking from the cold temperature of the water and air colliding on my already cold skin.

"Nah, he loves me." Jake said in a cocky tone. I turned and glared at him as I picked up my shirt, leaving the sunglasses on the ground.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at Jake as I slid my T-shirt on. "I'm done with your bullshit!" I snapped as I twisted my body around, stomping over to the car.

"Come on, AlBear. You don't mean that..." Jake said with a kinda nervous tone. I ignored him as I turned and began to angrily walk towards the highway we had turned onto to get here.

"Yes I do! I am sick and tired of all the shit you put me through! You're annoying and obnoxious!" I yelled, a low growl in my throat as I continued walking towards the road. I was staring at the ground, not noticing when Jake had ran up behind me. I only took notice of him when I felt his arms around my waist and him pull my back to his chest.

"Albert... I'm s-sorry... why haven't you talked to me about this before?" He asked with a small sigh. I bit my lip and, for the moment, pushed my anger aside. I took in a deep breath, turning so that my chest was against his. I laid my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry, too. I really didn't mean it, Jakey. I really do love you. I've just been easily ticked off lately." I mumbled, softly closing my eyes.

"Dude, are you on your period or something...?" Jake asked with a small laugh. I couldn't help but to snicker slightly.

"Don't you think that if I was a girl you'd know?" I asked, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"I mean, who knows?! You could be a transgender? I've never seen your dick before!" I felt my cheeks heat up furiously as I playfully slapped him.

"Don't say that! It's embarrassing!" I said with a laugh. He smiled and quickly brushed our lips together, splitting them even faster.

"Don't be such a girl." He teased me, ruffling up my already messy hair. "I'm sorry for tackling you earlier... now will you please come swim with us again...?" He asked as he pouted his lip. I sighed with a faint smiled, rolling my eyes.

"I guess..." I agreed, squealing with a giggle as he put his arm under my leg and picked me up bridal style.

"Don't worry... I won't drop you." He said, almost reading my mind as I tightly cling to him. "I'd never drop anything as fragile as you." He said, winking at me. I couldn't help but to blush, and even though I figured he was insulting me, I took it as a compliment. And, it was at the point, as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes, I almost instantly realized I truly have fallen in love. And with my best friend, nonetheless!

Hi, guys! There's something in my eye... OoF.

Anyways, I am having a contest! I have decided that the person who can draw me the best fan-fic picture (the world for it has TOTALLY left my head), then you'd be the winner!! Here are the rules;

1) it can be on either paper, or done online.
2) you have to send the picture to my Instagram acc for it to count. My Instagram is @haleyjeansimp
3) you have to have both Jake and Albert in the picture for it to count.

This contest is starting on 1-19-19 and is ending on 1-29-19, so that is ten days!! I am taking no entries past 12 PM Eastern Time. Good job and good luck!!!!! Much love,
                Haley!! 😍😘

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