chapter 2

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Piper's P.O.V

"Piper?" Gavin asked concerned when he walked into my room and saw that I was laying on my bed with tear stains on my cheeks.

"Hmmmm?" I said slowly opening my sticky eyes to look at him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked sitting down on my bed and rubbing my back.

"Zak called me and told me that he wants to 'give us another try' like are you kidding me right now????" I said to Gavin who never liked Zak in the first place.

"Why? He never talked to you, spent time with you or was even faithful when you two were together so why is he even trying to talk to you now?? Doesn't he know that he missed his opportunity?" Gavin said getting more and more mad as he kept talking.

"Gavin, it's alright. I already said no. I told myself that I was done with his bull shit and I meant that. I'm done letting any dude run my life. I'm my own damn person and it's bout time I start acting like it!" I said with more confidence then I felt.

"I love you Piper! You are so strong and so beautiful. I wish you never got that stupid disorder. It makes me so mad when you let guys treat you rude and I just want you to be happy with someone that doesn't take you for granite." Gavin said and when I saw tears start to fall from his eyes, I couldn't help but to start crying like a baby and pull my little brother in and cuddle with him until we both stopped crying. I started to sing and he slowly drifted off to sleep. When I was sure that he was sleeping, I got out of the bed, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs but not before taking a picture of Gavin and Mango cuddled up sleeping.

I went straight to the kitchen grabbed some fruit and called my best friend on Tango,

Hey babe, how are you?

Horrible but I'll be better once you volunteer to take me to the mall Nd buy me stuff

Okay, but what the hell happened?

Nothing girl

Bitch don't lie to me! I can see that there is something in your pretty gray eyes...

Hmmmm, can you?

Yeah... I sense that a douche called you...

Whatttttttt? Nahh, that didn't happen!

I know he called you because he called me after you two got off the phone and told me what happened


Yeah, his dumbass felt stupid as fuck when I went off on him too!!

You crazy girl!! So you comin over?

Yeah, I'm on my way right now!

Put some damn clothes on, we going out in public! If you was just at my house the sports bra and spandex would okay but I'm tryna pick up a niggas or something!

I'm just gone bring some clothes with me!

Then wear mine?

Awww you do know me so well!!

Best friends since 2nd grade!!!!

We quickly ended the conversation and I turned some music on my phone and just sat down stairs and ate my fruit until my mom came down.

"Nice of you to finally surface" I said getting up to give my mom a hug.

"Well if your father wasn't tryin to act like he is 17 again then I'd be okay!" mom said kissing me on my cheek.

"Yeah, that sex hair is a pretty good look for you!" I said laughing and she just threw a grape at me. We were just talking and Eilee (pronounced I-Lee) walked into the kitchen.

"Happy anniversary mommy!!" Eilee said. She hugged my mom and handed her a big bag with my parents gift inside.

"Thank you baby girl!" She said and kissed Eilee on her cheek and excused herself and went upstairs.

~Our Love's Lost~ An August Alsina Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now