chapter 4

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When we got in the car, I immediately put in my J Cole (yassssss Jermaine Cole!!) CD in and started jammin. We talked, laughed, and sang along to the music all the way to the mall. When we got there, we parked, checked our hair and makeup, got our purses and got out. I locked my car doors and we were on our way to the entrance of the mall. Before we even got to the door, this group of 5 or 6 boys standing outside starting and whistling and calling us. I laughed because I thought they were just calling Eilee cuz she's so damn beautiful but much to my surprise, a couple boys came up to me. And I can't lie, they was looking goooddddddddd!!!!

       "Hey pretty lady, how are you?" this tall light skin boy with gray eyes said.

       "Nah, she don't want youu!!" one of the other boys called out,and he had a country accent.

       "Excuse my cousin, he think you gotta take a girl deer huntin or some shit to impress her. Ain't that what they do in the country?" He yelled back to his cousin

       "Nah man, I can just tell by the scared look on her face that she don't want shit to do with you!" he called back laughing. I looked over at Eilee and I could tell she wasn't too impressed but she was putting on a front so I had to save her.

      "Look, I'm super sorry and you are super fine and I'd really like to get to know you better but me and my sister have to go get our grandmother a birthday present and be back in 45 minutes. Maybe we can meet up later or something?" I said.

      "Yeah, I'd like that ma" he said smirking at me and holding onto my index and middle finger.

      "Okay" I smiled back at him.

      "Put ya number in here."  he said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket with his free hand. I put my number in his phone and saved it before quickly giving his a kiss on the cheek and whispering,

      "My name's Piper." in his ear. He smiled and said, "Piper, that's beautiful. I'm Jaylen, everyone calls me Jay but you can call me anytime." he said with a wink. I laughed.

      "You're so corny!" he smiled at me and we literally just stood there staring at each other.

      "I gotta go! Call me!" I said quickly and pulled away from him as he started to lean in to kiss me. I grabbed Eilee and we damn near ran into the mall. We told each other what happened outside. We kept talking and walked to the Nike outlet.

~Our Love's Lost~ An August Alsina Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now