chapter 13

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We went outside to August's Black Range Rover and climbed inside. I told him which way to go to my Grandparents house and we talked and listened to Music the whole way there. When we got to my Grandparents house, August held my hand as we walked inside.

        "Hey Granny!" I said letting go of August's hand to go hug my granny who was sitting on the couch.

        "Hey Sue, who's that handsome young man?" My granny asked me.

       "Your grandson-in-law!" I said and August had the biggest smile on his face.

       "I'm August." He said and walked up to her and gave her a hug.

      "Piper!!" my little cousin Solay yelled as she ran out from the kitchen. I picked her up, hugged her, then put her back down and told her to go get her stuff. She went and grabbed her bag and August took it from her hands and asked where her car seat was. We told him and he went to grab it and took everything to the car. When he left, me, my granny, and Solay talked about him until he came back. I kissed my granny on her cheek and told her we'd be back so I could see everybody that had just left.

        "Solay this is August. He's my new boyfriend." I said buckling her into her car seat.

       "Hi August!" Solay said giggling. Solay has dark blonde hair, her skin tone is almost white but you can tell she mixed, she is kinda tall for a two year old and her thighs and butt were getting a little thick already. She has a beauty mark in the middle of her forehead but it's so cute. She was wearing a navy blue jumper with pink converse and a pink bow in her curly hair.

We listened to Music and took turns singing different verses of the songs. When we got to Sweet Earth, I got my purse and went to the back of the car to get Solay. We went inside and I saw an old couple smiling at us.

       "You have a beautiful family." the old man said to August.

       "Thank you." August said smiling back at him. We went around to get a bowl and August helped Lay get her's and I got mines then we waited for August to get his so we could pay together. When he was done we put them on the scale to weigh them and August paid. We went and sat down at a table by the door.

        "Thanks babe" I said leaning over to kiss August on his cheek.

         "Yeah, thanks babe!" Solay said giggling again and he gave August a kiss on his other cheek. We were talking, laughing and cracking jokes on each other until we finished our yogurt. Right when we were about to leave the cashier called August back up. She wasn't a very pretty girl. She was sorta dark skinned, her weave was a mess and her makeup looked like she let a four year old color on her face and I think I was a little mad August went back up there to talk to her so I took Lay outside and we walked over to this new kid clothing store. When we went inside I saw some really cute clothes for Lay and a even cuter boy. I told Solay the plan to go over to the skirts that he was by and I'd follow her. She ran over to the skirts and I followed her.

         "Lay what color?" I said not looking at the boy.

         "Purple!" Lay said smiling and I bent over to look of her size.

          "Is there anything I can help you with?" The boy finally said to me.

          "Ummm, nope. I'm just looking but thank you." I said.

          "You sure about that?" He said and put a hand on my lower back.

          "Yeah I'm sure!" I said laughing.

          "Your daughter is really cute, she looks just like you." he said and Solay was not amused. I don't think she liked him and if my mini me doesn't like someone, then he ain't worth it.

August's P.O.V-

           'What the hell does this bitch want??' I thought to myself as the ugly girl that worked at the frozen yogurt place called me back. I walked over and she was runnin her fingers through that nappy ass weave that looks like she needed to get that shit done bout a month or two ago.

           "Can I help you?" I asked as I walked back up to the cash register.

           "Yeah, ya fine ass can give me your number so I can ride your dick for you." She said smiling at me. I haven't had sex in like three days but hopefully if things go right I'll have Piper in my bed tonight.

            "I got a girl, so I don't think that necessary." I said trying to let her down easy but she wasn't taking no for an answer.

            "It's okay, she doesn't have to know. We can do it at my house." he said reaching up to rub my chest.

            "Uhh, no thank you. I don't wanna cheat on her." I said.

             "Well, if things go wrong here's my number. And don't be afraid to call me when you feeling lonely. We can send pictures too." She said and winked at me.

           "Yeah okay." I said and took the paper. When I turned around, Lay and Piper were gone. I walked outside and didn't see them. Where Tf did they go?????

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