chapter 15

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When we finally made it to my house I didn't say anything to August because of what almost happened. Can you talk to a dude for three days and actually love him? And if so should you tell him? I was contemplating what I should say and if I should ask him to stay or what. I was really confused.

             "Uhh, Aug you can stay the night if you want." I said as he helped me get the bags from the store and also the other bags that we'd gotten from my Grandparents house with Solay's clothes and other stuff.

            "You sure?" he asked.

            "Yeah, my parents aren't home but I'll let them know."

            "Ok." he said when he put all the stuff down. He turned around, put his hands on my hips and bent down to kiss me.

          "Baby, not in front of the kids!" I said laughing because Solay and Gavin were standing there looking at us. I took Lay to my room and Gavin went with August to his room to play video games I'm guessing. When I got to my room I took Solay some pajamas out of her bag and I got her towels from my bathroom then we headed down the hall to the bathroom that had a bathtub.

         "You want bubbles bae?" I asked Lay.

         "Yes pwease!" Lay said smiling.

         "One sec baby doll!" I said getting up to get the bubble bath that I'd bought her last Christmas and she left it here. I got it down and poured some in running water.

         "Thank you!" Lay said in her adorable little lisp(remember, she's only two). I helped her wash up and when she told me she was ready to get out, I grabbed her towel, let her step out, and wrapped her up in the towel. I let the water drain from the bathtub and picked her up and took her back into my room where I'd laid her pj's out on the bed. I lotioned Lay then put her pajamas on. When we were done, we ran down the hall to Gavin's room.

          "Hey babes, you having fun?" I asked Gavin and August when we walked into his room.

         "Yeah we are!" Gavin said. He jumped up and hugged me.

         "That's good, and is August being nice?" I asked kissing Gavin's cheek.

         "Yeah, he's pretty cool. I like him Pip." Gavin said using the nickname he used for me since he learned to talk.

        "Alright kids!" I said picking Solay up and putting her on Gavin's bed, "I gotta go take a shower and put my pjs on!"

I walked out of Gavin's room and August followed me. When we got to my room, August went and laid down on my bed

        "Aye! You got ya damn clothes on that you were wearing all day and you're in my bed!" I yelled walking over to him.

        "Sorry babe, I'm tired tho." August said sitting up and pulling me by my waist in between his legs.

         "Aww, it's ok baby but get ya damn dirty ass out my bed!!" I said pulling him up.

         "Aye, watch ya mouth ma!" August said smacking my ass as I walked away. Damn I love him!

~Our Love's Lost~ An August Alsina Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now