chapter 18

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When we pulled into August's driveway, I was lost for words. His house was so big and beautiful and he told me he lives alone. Maybe I can keep him some company? No no no, stop thinking like that, I'll wait until he asks me.

                 "Upstairs, now!" August whisper-yelled in my ear and smacked my ass.

                 "But why Daddy? We can do it down here." I said seductively and kissed August's jaw line playing with him.

               "I don't want Gavin and little Lay see what I'm about to do to you, now go!" he said pushing me.

              "Okay but don't take too long." I said playing with the band of his underwear.

             "Go upstairs NOW!" August said pushing my hands away from him and pushing me towards the bottom of the steps. I walked up the long staircase and there was two floors I could stop on. I went all the way up and came to what seemed to be a relaxing lounge type place. It was so pretty, then I saw big French double doors and I had to see what they led to. I went over to them and pulled them open and was hit by a gush of warm summer air. It was the most gorgeous balcony and view I'd ever seen. Yup, I had to get fucked on here. It's not an option.

              "Baby?" August yelled up the stairs.

             "At the top!" I yelled hoping he heard me.

            "Hey babe?" I said when August made it up here.


            "How many girls have been fucked on the balcony?" I asked him, my back still facing him.

            "None actually, wanna be my first?" August asked walking up to be and wrapping his arms around my waist from the back and seeing his chin on my head.

             "I do!" I said turning around so I was facing him and I put my hands up his shirt.

             "Damn, ya ready right now?" August asked picking me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

            "Yes Daddy!" I said kissing August.

             "Where is Daddy?" Gavin asked as him and Solay walked up to us.

             "Uhh, she was...." August started for me.

             "Talking to Dad on the phone. He called and asked if we were ok." I quickly said trying to get down.

             "Ohhh, ok. When are him and mom coming back?" Gavin asked.

            "Next Sunday." I told him.

            "Okay, and not to rush or anything but we are sleepy." he said pointing at himself and Solay.

            "Alright, I'll take us home." I said getting down, "August, can I just take your car and I'll bring it back tomorrow?" I asked August.

           "Sure baby. Nd here's some money for gas." August said pulling out his wallet and handed me $200.

          "Thank you Aug, I'll bring it back tomorrow." I said kissing his cheek.

          "Keep it as long as you want. I got a couple other cars." August said rubbing my ass because Gavin and Lay couldn't see.

         "Bye baby." I said pulling away from him.

         "Call me when you get home." He said dapping Gavin and picking up Lay and her bag. He took Solay and her bag out to the car and put her in her car seat and put her bag on the floor in the back.

         "Bye baby girl!" August said kissing Solay's cheek. He also helped Gavin into the back then he came up to the drivers door where I was adjusting everything.

        "Be careful. I don't like you driving at night." August said putting his hand on my upper thigh and started tracing circles with his thumb through the fabric of my pants.

        "Babe we're fine." I said messing with the seat.

        "Aight ma, don't fuck my baby up!"

        "Nigga, I'm ya baby!" I yelled at August.

         "Nope, that PYT back there is!" he said pointing to Solay who was smiling and blushing with her light skin ass.

         "Whatever! Bye!" I said closing the door and I pulled out of August's drive way going towards my house. We stopped and got done food on the way home. When we were home I put Gavin in his room then took Solay to my room and put her to sleep. When I was done with that, I called Eilee and we talked for about 15 minutes then I called August we tasked until I fell asleep.

~Our Love's Lost~ An August Alsina Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now