Chapter 3

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Piper's P.O.V

Eilee and I ran upstairs and went into my room. We were whispering and laughing because Gavin was still asleep in my bed. I said something about my mom's sex hair she started cracking up. She was so loud with her stupid laugh that she woke up Gavin but he didn't really care. We talked and joked and had fun before we had to get ready.

          "Where you going?" Gavin asked with a sad look on his face.

         "To the mall..." I said not looking at him because I knew he was sad and it was going to show on his face.

         "Can he come pleaseeeeeeeeee!!?!?!??!?!" Eilee said pleading.

       "Yeah can i????" Gavin said following Eilee's lead.

       "You have to ask mom and dad first." I said giving him a firm look as he walked out the door. I love Gavin but I don't like going to mall with him.... I know he's still young but sometimes it's just obnoxious how short his attention span is.

       "Dummy, why would you suggest that???" I said reaching over to slap Eilee.

        "I'm sorry but I hate seeing him sad."

         "Yeah okay..."

         "Change in plans, Kaden is coming to get me!" Gavin said happily as he walked back into my room.

        "Ohhhh, have fun babe!" Eilee said and gave Gavin a kiss of his cheek and he blushed super hard.

       "Love ya baby boy but we gotta get ready so I'll see ya later!" I said and went to the door to see him out.

      "Can you buy me something?" Gavin asked me standing in the doorway.

        "Sure kiddo!" I smiled at him

        "Thanks hot stuff!" He winked at me and left.

'That boy is something else!' I thought to myself as I walked back into the bathroom where my best friend was taking off her sweat pants and sweat shirt.

        "I'm getting in the shower first!" she said before taking the rest of her clothes off. I grabbed her a wash cloth and a dry towel and put them on the counter before she got in then I left the bathroom. I went back into my room and dumped out the bag of clothes that Eilee brought with her. I folded the clothes nicely and put them back into the bag and I grabbed a couple shirts, leggings and other stuff that I saw that belonged to me and put them away. When Eilee got out I saw that she'd washed her hair because it was in its long beautiful natural waves that any girl would kill to have. I went and took a shower after she got out.

        "You know what you wearing?" Eilee asked me as soon as I walked out of the bathroom. She was sitting on my bed still in her towel and she was on her phone.

        "No I don't, do you?" I said then grabbed the lotion.

        "Nope but we gotta get ready!!"

        "Okay, Let me lotion my body first!" I put lotioned myself then went into my closet and started looking. It was kinda cold and it was supposed to get colder later so I choose a galaxy crew neck, black leggings and my purple Bailey bow uggs. Eilee choose a floral crop top with a studded jean jacket, black leggings and a pair of timberlands. I wore my hair up in a bun with a white bow and simple makeup. Eilee wore her natural waves, with mascara and eyeliner.

After we got dressed, we got all of our stuff. I yelled up to my parents that we were leaving, gave Gavin a kiss and left.

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