chapter 5

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We walked into the Nike outlet and I immediately went over to the Nike pro section. I grabbed 4 pairs of spandex and the matching sports bras and 3 pairs of athletic leggings, then I went to go look for Eilee. I found her looking at the elites(they are socks incase you didn't know), exactly where I knew she'd be. We picked out 4 pairs of socks each and I grabbed Gavin two of the same pair I had then we went to the checkout. We payed for our stuff then left the store.

        "Damn mami!" this boy said when me and Eilee were walking.

        "Aye lil ma with the bow" The same boy called out. I slightly turned to see who it was and it was some ugly dark skinned short dude trying to holla at me.

       "I know you hear me talking to you ma, get back here" he said as me and Eilee turned around and walked away from him

       "Bitch I'm not gone tell you again!" he said angrily. I slowly turned around and saw a smirk on his face. I was pissed. I know I'm not that cute so I don't get hit on by every dude that walks past me but damn. The nigga that did try to get me was out his damn mind! who the fuck he think he messin wit? As soon as I was about to snap, this tall ass, caramel skin toned, beautiful hair and eyes ass nigga jumped in front of me and went damn crazy.

       "You fuck nigga that's a damn lady you're talkin to. I don't know why you think you can disrespect a lady but ya momma musta dropped ya on ya head a few to many times. Ya ass need to apologize... NOW!!" he yelled and he put his arm around my waist and pulled my towards him and not too close to the guy.

        "I-uhhh, My bad...." he said looking at the tall dude next to me. He shook his head and I could tell he was getting angry because he tensed around me but before he could say anything, Eilee ran out from behind us and damn near clawed his face off.

        "Nigga that ain't no damn apology!" my best friend yelled and reaching for his face. The dude that just showed up and popped off grabbed Eilee by her waist and pulled her back. He said something to her and she calmed down and he let her go.

        "Naw nigga, imma need ya bitch ass to get down on ya knees and beg for her to forgive you or imma pop one in ya ass right here and I ain't playing" he dude said with the most serious look on his face.

        "I'm sorry! I was wrong and disrespectful, I just got mad when you started to walk away from me." the dude said on his knees

        "It's coo, but don't ever say anything that again to any women." I said barely looking at him. The tall guy came back to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist again. He mugged the shit outta the dude on the ground and told him to get up. I was so shocked that I just grabbed my ROD best friend and hugged her so tight.

        "I love you do much babe, next time we'll kill a nigga!" she said squeezing me super tight. I laughed and kissed cheek then looked at the dude that helped me.

         "Uhh, I'm August and you looked like you needed a little assistance at first but when little ma over there popped, I was a little scared myself" he said smiling.

          "Hahaha, thank you. And yeah that's my ROD best friend. She bad!" I said laughing a little, "I'm Piper and that baddie over there is Eilee."

          "Well baby you too!" he said draping his arm on my lower back. I blushed super hard and looked down suddenly super interested in my shoes.

          "Don't be shy ma, you're beautiful." August said kissing my neck.

           "Ayeeee, don't get to comfortable!" I said pushing him playfully.

          "Can I get ya numba?" his voice was so damn fine I just had to say yes.

          "Yes sir" I said smiling up at him. I'm only 5'3 so I'm pretty small and he had to be 6'3 at least. I took his phone from his hands, put my number in it, then gave it back to him so he could save my number. I stood there in his arms for a second then I stood on my tippy toes, Gave him a kiss on his cheek then walked away grabbing Eilee's arm.

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