chapter 17

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Piper's P.O.V~

                "Baby?" I said when I went into Gavin's room.

                "Yeah?" August, Gavin, and Solay all answered at the same time.

               "I was talking to Lay!" I said picking her up and swinging her around.

               "Well, I think I'm a little hurt!" Gavin said holding his chest where his heart is.

               "Me too!" August said pretending to cry, "I mean, I thought we were better then that..."

               "Whatever! So are we going to August's house or not?" I asked putting Lay down.

                "Yeah!" They said altogether.

                "Okay, let's go." I said. I grabbed Solay's bag and my purse and we went outside to August's car. I opened the back door and let Gavin in and put Lay's bag back therewhile August helped Solay into her car seat and buckled her in.

                "You ready kids!?" August yelled into the back.

                "Yeah!" They yelled back. We pulled out and I turned on the radio. Body Party was the first song on and me and Lay was finna kill it!!

                "My body is your party, babyyy!" Lay sung first.

                "And nobody's invited but ya babyy, I can do it slow now, tell me what you want!" I sung leaning over towards August. But he wasn't having it.

               "You are putting these children danger!" August said pushing me away.

             "Danger is my middle name, of course it's pronounced Don'Jay." I said leaning over again and kissing his cheek.

             "Little girl!! You better quit!" August said popping my leg.

             "Ouch! Gavin, August hit me!!" I said turning around.

             "Baby I'm sorry! I want thinking. I promise it won't happen again. Next time I will use my words." August when we stopped at a red light. I was pretending to be mad at him so I turned and faced my rolled down window. We sat there for a minute when a car pulled up next to us. I looked over and saw a light skinned dude that was super fine.

               "Lay, look!" I said whispering back to my little cousin. It's a habit. Whenever we see someone cute we point them out.

                "And what the hell are you looking at?" August asked leaning over and saw the dude, "Oh hell naww! Fuck that!" he said rolling up my window and locking it.

                 "Really August?" I said laughing inside because he is very protective over what's his.

                  "Yeah, and it seems like once we get to my house, I need to talk to you, in private." August said his fingertips over the part of my stomach that was showing and pulling off when thelight turned green. 'Oh shit! I'm in trouble!' was all I could think the rest of the way to his house.

~Our Love's Lost~ An August Alsina Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now