-Obessesive Boy-

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Vernon held Seungkwan in his arms, as he sat on the fresh green grass of his garden. Keeping the boy secure in his warm embrace as he read his book, awaiting his beautiful fiancee's wake.

Flipping the page, in the corner of his eye, he could see Seungkwan wiggling his nose before fluttering his pretty eyes open.

Vernon smiled with the corner of his mouth, as he continued to read the poems in his book. 

"Vernon..." Seungkwan speech was faint and as soft as a feather, soothing to Vernon's now calm self, "I-I mean mas-"

"Vernon is alright," Vernon said as he put his book to the side, focusing his attention towards Seungkwan, "It was foolish of me to make you call me anything else."

Seungkwan tilted his head slightly. He had no real idea what Vernon was trying to say or communicate towards him. Mainly he just couldn't understand why Vernon was suddenly acting so nice.

"Well..." Seungkwan tried to push himself up, but failed when Vernon held him close to him again, "O-oh."

"You shouldn't move," Vernon insisted, "your body isn't suited for it."

Seungkwan shook his head slightly closing his eyes, in confusion to what he meant. that was until he realized moments later what he had meant.

The memories entrapped him again, filling his brain with each scent, touch, taste, sound of everything of, what could of been moments before or days. Heavens knows what day or time it is now.

First came the scent. The intoxicating fragrance of roses, he had learned to shape into his own, and the smell of Vernon's aroma mixing with it. 

Then the touch. The rough, yet so soft, feeling of Vernons gripping at his waist, and his legs, and then all over his body, the feeling of his chest against his own and the feeling of his lips, the kitten belly soft lips that stained his pale lean body.

Taste. The rich taste of sweat and tears running down his face and between his lips, and the addicting sugary scent of Vernon's passion piercing his tongue.

Then all the painful, yet blissful sounds. His hiccing voice calling out Vernon's name, and Vernon's shivering weak moans filling Seungkwans ears, mixed in with hidden confessions.

It all seemed amazing, like a dream, a miracle even.

If only that was true.




Seungkwan felt like his whole body had become numb and cold, but still could feel the beads of sweat forming all over him.

"Disgusting," Seungkwan mumbled to himself, remembering all the sticky horrific details of his repulsive actions.

He remembered how pathetically his pitiful hips thrusted onto Vernon, sucking him up into his vile hole.

How, no matter how much his brain told him 'no', how much he wanted to scream for him to stop, and wanted to be left alone, his mouth said the opposite.

How he was consumed in the devils arm, wanting only to be fucked, not caring for whoever it was.

Even at the end when he realized what he truly wanted, when he was crying for something sweet and was filled with Vernon's bitter taste, how he happily accepted it as if he was loving it. 

He wasn't loving it.

He hated it.

He hated it even more, that when Vernon stopped, he felt incomplete, and all he wanted was his release. 

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