Chapter 13: You're Still Just As Dense

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I arrive at the movie theater at exactly 11:52 and park Ryder’s car in an empty spot close to the front. I’m not sure what kinda car Matt drives, so yeah. I get out of the car, making sure to not lock the keys in the car, because I have done that numerous times. Yeah, I’m kinda ashamed to admit it. I lock the doors behind me and walk towards the theater, while keeping my hands buried in my pockets. I see Matt standing near the front door with two tickets in his hand. He waves at me, and I walk over to him.

          “Hey.” Matt says, handing me my ticket.

          “Hi.” I reply, looking down at the movie ticket, to see what we’re seeing. The Amazing Spider-Man. “Spider-Man?”

Matt smiles, “Do you like Spider-Man?”

I nod, even though I’ve never been a huge fan of it. “I like Spider-Man.”

          “Then let’s do it.” He says, holding his arm out. I loop mine through his, and we walk in. “Want something?”

          “Can I get candy?” I ask him.

          “Sure,” Matt retorts, leading me towards the snack stand. “What kind?”

          “Uhh, surprise me.”

Matt gets a large popcorn, and two drinks and my candy. He hands me the candy and my drink and then we walk into the theater where out movie is playing. “Where do you wanna sit?” I ask Matt.

          “Oh, doesn’t matter to me.” He replies.

I personally don’t like sitting in the back of the movie theaters with boys, unless I’m dating them. Why? Because everyone knows that when you sit in the back of a movie theater with someone, it’s to kiss them. Not always, but well like most of the time. So I walk up towards the front, and sit down on the end seat. Matt sits next to me, and puts his drink in his armrest. The lights go off and the previews end as the movie starts.

I take a sip of my drink and cross my left leg over my right. I pull my phone from my pocket, and quickly set it to vibrate. The beginning of the movie starts, and Matt puts the bucket of popcorn in between us, and takes a handful. As he quietly chews the popcorn, I’m reminded of Ryder who’s in Vernon probably puking up his lungs, who’s also allergic to coconut oil which is in the popcorn. I shake it off; I’m sure his family’s taking care of him.

About half way-or what I expect is half way-through the movie, Matt puts his arm around me. How more cliché can he possibly get? I mean, he’s hot. I mean, really hot. Like so hot, he makes me wanna bake cookies on him. But that’s beside the point. I decide to just go with it; since it’s not like it’s a crime or something, and continue watching the movie. It isn’t half bad actually. I drink some more of my drink, and then cross and uncross my legs.

          “Are you alright?” Matt whispers to me.

I look over at him, “Yeah, I’m fine.” I tell him, smiling. He only asked because I keep moving. I don’t know why, it’s just a habit I have. Like I’m not ADHD or anything, but I’m always crossing and uncrossing my legs.

Turns out the movie wasn’t half way over. There was at least another hour and a half to go. When the credits start rolling, Matt and I both get up. We, well Matt, ate most of the popcorn, so he grabs the bucket, and we get our drinks, and then leave. As we walk out of the theater, and out of the front doors I chew a piece of my candy in my mouth-he got me the Sour Patch Kids kind, and I say to him, “So where’s your car?”

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